Round Table

PWNA Maryland Chapter Round Table April 14th 2007 Info on TGS

I really wanted to go. Im going to be busy. How the "big dogs" have time to go boggles me?:confused: Maybe its going to be a slow season for some. Why not make these events doing the winter months.
i think its like 300-400 dollars to go, maybe i'll start a round table for broke ass newbies, and see who comes. wetwash: como es TGS?
No it's not going to cost 3-4 hundred dollars to attend.. More like $25-$45 and there will be good food, a variety of seminars that can help you add money to your bottom line, Demonstrations, door prizes and a lot more available. Information will be posted next week explaining all of the details.
PWNA Maryland Chapter Round Table April 14th 2007 Info on TGS

I really wanted to go. Im going to be busy. How the "big dogs" have time to go boggles me?:confused: Maybe its going to be a slow season for some. Why not make these events doing the winter months.

You own your own business so you can make the time for these weekend events. I could work 20 straight days if I wanted to but its nice to take a break and network and hang with some others.

Roundtables are all thru-out the year and there pretty cheap and from what you get out of them is priceless.
You own your own business so you can make the time for these weekend events. I could work 20 straight days if I wanted to but its nice to take a break and network and hang with some others.

Roundtables are all thru-out the year and there pretty cheap and from what you get out of them is priceless.

I really don,t like to miss days Im going to already miss one day in May. Its a pet peeve.:(
That's up to you Wetwash, the invitation will be open to everyone.

Hey John, yes the MD chapter meeting will be held at Black and Decker University on April 14, 2007. We are planning on holding several informative seminars that power washers can use to make more money or improve the quality of their work. The announcements will be going out later this week with all the details.
You know Zig Ziglar and Suze Orman are going to be in Baltimore on 4-4-07.
Now that maybe a great Buisness Seminar.

I saw Zig when i was a kid, he must be a hundred by now. didnt even know he was still doing seminars. One of his side kicks died recently, he was a family freind, George Allen.

I loved watching these guys speak, felt refreshed everytime.
PWNA Maryland Chapter Round Table April 14th 2007 Info on TGS

I really wanted to go. Im going to be busy. How the "big dogs" have time to go boggles me?:confused: Maybe its going to be a slow season for some. Why not make these events doing the winter months.

I big dogs??? who are the big dogs? tell me please. I have only met with a couple big dogs in 24 years.

a Big dog in this buz is someone who makes over 20 mil.

I'm sorry, most here are Small and med. Dogs.

Maybe you should post that list. here and I will tell you if theres any big dogs on it.

Now those med guys have interest in going for many reasons.
Take a Day Off For Learning

The Medium Dogs go hoping to find info on how to become big Dogs.

Funny thing though, the Little Dogs go also hopinbg to become Big Dogs.

If you own a business your job shouldn't necessarily be working in it, you might want to work on it instead.;)

Then it won't seem so much like missing a day.
The Medium Dogs go hoping to find info on how to become big Dogs.

Funny thing though, the Little Dogs go also hopinbg to become Big Dogs.

If you own a business your job shouldn't necessarily be working in it, you might want to work on it instead.;)

Then it won't seem so much like missing a day.

Learning is good. I don't miss day's. Traditional don't work for me. I'm the modern type. You should check out the other post Johnny recognized me Im the guy doing the $299 deal.

If your in the office you are working in it. If you do sales you are working in it.

If you are on this bbs with your logo and company info you are working in it.

If you wear your logo shirt you are working in it.

To many people think there business concept is the only way to conduct business.

Traditional 5 year plan. Modern 3 year plan. So if you start 2 years before me in three years we will be in the same place.
So whats going to happen in the next 5 years See Ya--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I had 20 million $$ before i got into power washing, i do this because i love the smell of love on my fingers **snnnnniiifff**
Question: I started A-Team 7 months ago... Am i big dog with a big bank account, ooooooor am i a little dog due to the newness, orrrrrrrrrrr, am i not a dog at all, but rather a ........swan. I'll leave YOU to decipher THAT metaphor.
I saw Zig when i was a kid, he must be a hundred by now. didnt even know he was still doing seminars. One of his side kicks died recently, he was a family freind, George Allen.

I loved watching these guys speak, felt refreshed everytime.

Only $225 @ the door. Worth the day off.
The $299 per house flat rate thing wasn't a compliment! Judging from past conversations & other posts I've seen from you, it appears you have little room to be criticizing anyone. I've seen your website(s) and still don't have a clue who you are. By the way, 50 words strung together is usually a paragraph....not a single sentence. (see website for details).

As far as the "big dog" thing goes, who makes that distinction? We are entering our 5th season, with absolutely no prior experience in this industry and have become one of the top 3 - 5 contractors in our part of the state. I still don't feel BIG. We have sacrificed vacations, Sat. & Sun., and all sorts of other amenities in life to stay ahead. However, if there's a networking opportunity with potential clients or peers, you MAKE time to go.

I don't perceive you as doing a whole lot of gross sales per year, but manage to stay busy. I have a competitor just like you. It takes him 3 times as long to complete a project, then another 3 days to correct his mistakes. Now that's keepin' busy "BIG DOG"!
The $299 per house flat rate thing wasn't a compliment! Judging from past conversations & other posts I've seen from you, it appears you have little room to be criticizing anyone. I've seen your website(s) and still don't have a clue who you are. By the way, 50 words strung together is usually a paragraph....not a single sentence. (see website for details).

As far as the "big dog" thing goes, who makes that distinction? We are entering our 5th season, with absolutely no prior experience in this industry and have become one of the top 3 - 5 contractors in our part of the state. I still don't feel BIG. We have sacrificed vacations, Sat. & Sun., and all sorts of other amenities in life to stay ahead. However, if there's a networking opportunity with potential clients or peers, you MAKE time to go.

I don't perceive you as doing a whole lot of gross sales per year, but manage to stay busy. I have a competitor just like you. It takes him 3 times as long to complete a project, then another 3 days to correct his mistakes. Now that's keepin' busy "BIG DOG"!

You ask for criticisms of your site.

I Have Not. Why? Some may not have the ability to understand the complexity of such a simple site.

In other words it takes an intricate skill to appreciate the Psychological effects of the phraseologies used on our site.
I have to agree with you Johnny. I'm seeing an abrasive personality, a lot of self promotion, and a poorly designed website that tells you absolutely nothing and seems to have no purpose. Let this link die and let's move on to something interesting....
Big dog,med dog,little dog....i got the handle for "old dog". Dan Cosgrove