Rookie Mistakes

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
Here are some common rookie mistakes we might want to look at ?

1 - Charging less for a 2 story roof
True, they have less roof surface, sometimes.
But the DANGER and difficulty is usually more.
You decide - What is your life worth ?

2 - Cutting Prices -
Many THINK that if they are cheaper, they will "corner the work".
I can't tell you of all the roof cleaning people we have seen come and go in 15years who were cheaper then us.
Prices will always be dictated by your local conditions.
My advice ?
See what the companies in your area that are successful are charging, and do like wise.
Remember, roof cleaning is NOT "never ending work" ?
You must make enough to get you through the slow times.

3 - Working alone
We have done it, and experience has shown it will bite you eventually.
It is safer for the customer and YOU to have a person on the ground.
It is kinda hard to call an ambulance when you fall off that 2 story roof you underbid when the ladder slips.

4 - Using too strong a roof cleaning mix
Remember, what you put on the roof eventually winds up in the customers yard.
Better to be a little on the weak side, and touch up a spot or two.
Experience has shown it will save plants.

5 - NOT pulling all your hose up on the roof before starting to spray.
This is a great way to test out that new Insurance policy you just bought.
It is far too easy to have the hose rip shingles apart.
Always go to the farthest spot on the roof as your ground man FEEDS you the hose, then pull up an extra 10 feet.

6 - Not doing roof edges first.
Always do the edges of the roof first if possible ?
Makes it a LOT easier on ground man.

7 - Continuing to spray a spot once it is wet.
Have a little faith in your mix, and realize it takes time to work.
Wet down one side of roof, and go on to other side and repeat.
THEN, go back and re wet spots that did not take.

8 - Taking the customers "WORD" into account about sq footage.
Unfortunately, in roof cleaning we sometimes deal with those who do not really want to clean their roof.
Some get letters from HOA, and go shopping.
Pretty soon they realize prices are based on sq footage.
So, buyers can become LIAR"S.
ALWAYS make sure of the sq footage before you bid.

9 - Pricing "by the hour"
This may work for mechanics who have a steady flow of automibles to fix, but will KILL you in roof cleaning.
It will also make you quite unpopular with your fellow cleaners.
No one likes a "by the hour low baller", and you will not succeed with this strategy in roof cleaning.

I am sure the guys here can come up with some more rookie mistakes, but these are tops on my list.


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Here are some common rookie mistakes we might want to look at ?

8 - Taking the customers "WORD" into account about sq footage.
Unfortunately, in roof cleaning we sometimes deal with those who do not really want to clean their roof.
Some get letters from HOA, and go shopping.
Pretty soon they realize prices are based on sq footage.
So, buyers can become LIAR"S.
ALWAYS make sure of the sq footage before you bid.

You have any tips of being able to get accurate measurements from the ground? Or atleast ones close enough to actual.
So... per ft charge

Well, what do people charge per ft??? Not much competition up here...

question from rookie

We did our second house today - question. Does the apple sauce cause any problems with stain decks. We hosed the entire deck during and after we sprayed in that area of the house. Another question - some people in our area have a sistern and they use it for drinking water. Many times a downspout will supply the sistern. Should we avoid doing these jobs - has anyone run into this before> I guess we would have to ask before we do any job if they have an active sistern. Any info would be appreciated.
yes you are correct... cistern - what do yo mean by bagging the down spout. Also - does the apple sauce cause stained decks any problems. Your information had been very helpful for us getting started!
yes you are correct... cistern - what do yo mean by bagging the down spout. Also - does the apple sauce cause stained decks any problems. Your information had been very helpful for us getting started!

take contractor trash bags and zip tie them around the downspouts to prevent any runoff to areas you dont want chems going to , and yes apple sauce will discolor some deck stains
We did our second house today - question. Does the apple sauce cause any problems with stain decks. We hosed the entire deck during and after we sprayed in that area of the house. Another question - some people in our area have a sistern and they use it for drinking water. Many times a downspout will supply the sistern. Should we avoid doing these jobs - has anyone run into this before> I guess we would have to ask before we do any job if they have an active sistern. Any info would be appreciated.
Good job!
ALWAYS keep a wood deck wet during cleaning, and water really good as the chemical drips on it.
Continue watering until it stops dripping.
Thank God we don't see that many decks here in Florida.
It is best to tarp them, to be 100 percent sure stain is not gonna be effected.