Roof Cleaner With A Broom ?

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
Here is a pic of me from some time ago cleaning for Charity.
God, I AM old now :(
It is always nice to give something back to your community.
It is good for your Karma, and can also be good for business :)
We have algae in the lake occasionally. But I can't seem to get anyone to pay me to clean it. :) I'll keep trying!:rolleyes:
Las Vegas is INFAMOUS for The Cops on Bicycles.
They will BUST you for Anything :(
Las Vegas is INFAMOUS for The Cops on Bicycles.
They will BUST you for Anything :(

I heard Michael Phelps (Olympic Swimmer) can smoke up to 2 oz of pot here and the bicycle cops are helpless to do anything about it due to our lax pot laws..:eek: :D :D :cool: :p
I guess I fall into the "Liberal Camp" when it comes to weed.
I tried it, and unlike Clinton, I DID inhale :eek:
I do not like it at all, give me a beer at a Football game anyday :)
But I know plenty of people who do like it.
Plenty of people smoke it, and lead otherwise normal lives.
The Marijuana laws are not working anymore then Prohibition did.
Result ?
Criminals are getting rich off selling and growing it, and otherwise Law abiding Americans are getting arrested for it.
This places a burden on our Police and Jail system.
Maybe the Government shoud regulate and Tax it, since the Laws are NOT stopping it's use ?
Like I said, it is NOT for me, personally.
Give me a Beer anyday, as long as I am not working :)