Ron-E and Scott-E


I didn't want to see ya'll's O picture anyhow,I'm Probab'ly better off anyhow not knowing what ya'll look like,anyhow just rem'ber I fooled all of ya by showing what I look like,anyhow don't keep saying ya going to post ya pic ifen ya'll scared of it ya self please don't show and cuzz me to have nightmares too.
Les its about time you show your noole too,like to see ifen you look as smart as it seems hahaha.

Looks like my week is starting out on the right foot this morning..................C-ya
Face it Ron, you just don't want everyone to know that I am better looking, or maybe that I can break a camera.

If he looks geekie I may start giving him more respect in my answers but ifen he don't,all fair play man.
AND ifen you look like the logo I'll go set in the corner while your talking and keep my mouth shut.
BIG-BOY.... did you ever think that they may not be men at all but are a couple maybe thats way they dont post there mug ......he he he he..

maybe a couple of beach babes??? or western roughies.....or maybe they are a couple of kids passing off as there
Hey Ron,
I hate to tell you this, but your chest is WAAY to high on the logo. It needs to be closer to your belt buckle.

Hey Danno, you on the make for one or both of them?

I saw Ron personally last week and it was just after Holloween so he might have still been wearing his Holloween disguise SO HMMMMM, male or female, hard to tell.
I was going to say something but when left the room to get a cup of coffee i fergot i wont say anything.
Look guys I don't care if you cheat like Luckyboy and his picture.......I was like ya'll,scared to put my mug on the net but you know what its nice to put a face to the post.Heck I may have scared alot of people but it doesn't really bother me b/c its what GOD give me to use while here,it doesn't matter what other people think about you b/c life goes on NO matter what body your in as long as one person loves you,,,GOD loves all people thats one does the rest really matter when it boils down to it,huh.......heck I wish I had done it alot sooner so will you after ya get the guts to post it,,,,,no guts may call it something else but it took guts on my part.