Rod TWisted ankle.!!!!!!!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Friday while working on our Charity cleaning event, I suffered a severe sprain to my left ankle and foot from jumping down into some vegetation growth (weeds) covering an old stump left behind from what must have been a large bush. This will have me going through about 6 weeks worth of recovery including therapy while in the meantime, I am extremely limited to what I can do as I am now on crutches for a not yet determined duration.
Friday while working on our Charity cleaning event, I suffered a severe sprain to my left ankle and foot from jumping down into some vegetation growth (weeds) covering an old stump left behind from what must have been a large bush. This will have me going through about 6 weeks worth of recovery including therapy while in the meantime, I am extremely limited to what I can do as I am now on crutches for a not yet determined duration.

That's an excellent thread on what it costs to do business. NOt really about Rod's ankle. Hope he heals quick! I know it's no fun to be out of comission for that long.