Ripped Off!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Well it finally happened to me, after 15 years of leaving my wallet in the truck, some Scumbag grabed it while i went in to get an invoice signed!!!

My guy was finishing up at the far end of the building, and i walked inside and Bam its gone!! He is dam lucky he was not caught in the act.

Lesson learned the hard way, dont keep anything of value in your truck unless its locked up..

These are the worse of times, as i always preach be ready and dont get caught with your guard down.

I got home at 4am and shut down all my cards, but its just the hassle and the violation felt that really pisses me off.

I will be taking this out on the next scumbag that pops out of the woods while we are working, that should only take a night.:mad:
We deal with alot of crack head scum bags around here, everynight we go out is an adventure.

There is always someone out there that rather take from you than work for it. I can only hope that Carma get him before i do!!

I had Walgreens pull the video, but the way my truck was positioned, they could not see anything but my trailer. CSMF!!
Sorry to hear that Nick. CSMF indeed.

Keep your trailers locked up. Even in the middle of the day. When our trailer was stolen we even got the guys and truck on video, but was so blurry, we couldnt make anything out. costs us $10k to get back up and running.
Nick, you could have at least left one card open for me. LOL
All kidding aside though. sorry to hear that happened to you buddy. this is part of the reason I don't like working nights. :cool:
I accidently left my wallet on a Shell Gas Station pump about 3 weeks ago. It was 45min before I realized it was missing. Some guy who worked for an AC company found it and called me off of my biz card in my wallet. He actually went out of his way to meet me and wouldn't even take a reward. It was nice to see that there ARE a few good people left.
Nick, you could have at least left one card open for me. LOL
All kidding aside though. sorry to hear that happened to you buddy. this is part of the reason I don't like working nights. :cool:
I accidently left my wallet on a Shell Gas Station pump about 3 weeks ago. It was 45min before I realized it was missing. Some guy who worked for an AC company found it and called me off of my biz card in my wallet. He actually went out of his way to meet me and wouldn't even take a reward. It was nice to see that there ARE a few good people left.

I have found my share of wallets also. And because we are human beings who no what its like to go out and make a living, we do the right thing.

We are dealing with the scurge of the earth down here in FL, i am sure it is everywhere, but i tell you i have never met so many desperados who are lower than Scum down here in the Scumbagstate!!
sorry to hear that. Stinks thAt things liek that happen.
one more reason I love my truck. I have a compartment tha I can lock my wallet in, and not have to worry about it. I think it was meant for cd's but it is perfect to hold my ipod and wallet.
sorry bout your bad luck
damn glad I live here
I left my xjet with a 20 foot hose on it in a mulch bed at a warehouse in Newport news va, (dont tell lenny)
2 months later still there.
the crackheads probably didnt know what it was.
Sorry for your experience. On a side note go to a copy store and make a copy of everything that is in your wallet and keep it in a safe place so you can make the calls in a timely manner if it happens. You can keep copies in convenient places, one at home, one in the truck and any other place you may frequent.
Sorry for your experience. On a side note go to a copy store and make a copy of everything that is in your wallet and keep it in a safe place so you can make the calls in a timely manner if it happens. You can keep copies in convenient places, one at home, one in the truck and any other place you may frequent.

I got home at 4am and by 4:30 am all my cards are shut down. Thats a great point, that is something i did a long time ago.

I have a copy and list of every document and credit card we own in my safe, i called my wife ASAP and she had it done before i got home.

Everyone should take these steps in order to eliminate the risk of fraud or winding up with a big credit card bill!! I also never carry my SS card in my wallet..