
Jonathan Ellis

There is a fast food location that I do every other week. They also pay someone to come in on the weeks that we are not there to clean on those weeks, getting cleaned every week.

Recently they have been off schedule and showing up on our week. They always get there and get done before i ever show up. When they rinse, they blow everything off the drive thru / sidewalks and leave it. I think this is just a half way done job. I spend a lot of time rinsing down the asphalt and rinse it all to the dra.., anyway, I rinse it away. I notice this all over the place.

There is also another company that we started about 6 months ago. The first job took us 10 man hours. About 8 of that was rinsing down the parking lot of the dirt that came off the sw. Now, we just blow the dirt off the sw and leave it. Nothing has been said other than how good things look.

Is it common practice to just blow the dirt and thing to the asphalt and leave it?

When I was doing the account that I just lost after 5 years, I would blow the sw off and leave it. They were in a retail store front. Not one time in 5 years did I get a complaint.

So what is common among the people of the PWI?
rinsing to the end of the parking lanes is common practice. I rinse out to the middle of the the driving lanes.

I don't do too much Commercial Cleaning but when I do I normally do the same.
I rinse to the end of the parking spots if that far. I am not rinsing the lot for free.
hahaha good one russ, like i tell people when they tell me "what do u wash" I tellem Ill wash the damn dog if the price is right" (but in spanish) has closed a few deals for me so far.
Ok its a census,,,,,,10 o 20 ft out or to the end of the parking spaces....LOL
Now we all are doing the samething,,,, I always thinkof it like this,,,,I rinse past where the peeps will be getting out of their car so they will not have to step into what came off the side walks.
Its good to see that those of us that care about what we do all do about the same thing and all have the same ideas.
This is a great field to be in and we have great people here on PWI helping each other!!!
Depends upon the account for me and what they are already paying. I had this very conversation with Bob @ Pressuretek a while back. Most of the time I rinse about 10ft outside the area that i cleaned then take the wand and use it as a blower to flush out the trash as far away as I can from the areas cleaned. The dirty water gets spread out a bit during that process as well. On the other hand I have one account that feels like their gas stations are being cleaned totally and have actually had a manager get into my face because there were cigarette butts around the areas I washed. I kindly told her that i know of a great sweeping company that is in business for that, I am not her trash man.

My final answer is that it generally depends upon the amount they are paying to how far it gets rinsed off but for the most part a bit past the edge I cleaned to is the extent I go
I clean out far enough that even a stupid lot sweeper can hit it.
I clean out far enough that even a stupid lot sweeper can hit it.

Why you call the lot sweeper stupid? I feel offended.. Keep in mind that a small parking lot sweeping truck in working condition cost around $35000 and up which is I believe more than the best pressure washer rig setup out there. Even though I wouldn't call the Pressure washer stupid :)..
Why you call the lot sweeper stupid? I feel offended.. Keep in mind that a small parking lot sweeping truck in working condition cost around $35000 and up which is I believe more than the best pressure washer rig setup out there. Even though I wouldn't call the Pressure washer stupid :)..

Why would you feel offended? He did not say you are stupid, he did not call Terry stupid, he did not call every sweeper on this bbs stupid, he called the guy in his area stupid. Don't make this into something that it isn't.

Some rigs cost a lot, look at the one that Bioclean is selling, way more than your $35,000 sweeping truck. There are a lot of rigs out there that most are over $20k easily, mine was when it was built back in 2004.

I am sure that Scott called his sweeper guy stupid for reasons, maybe just kidding, maybe serious, maybe because he does not do a good job, etc.... You will not know until Scott says, if he even says which he does not have to do.

Again, Don't make this into something about you which it was not.
Why would you feel offended? He did not say you are stupid, he did not call Terry stupid, he did not call every sweeper on this bbs stupid, he called the guy in his area stupid. Don't make this into something that it isn't.

Some rigs cost a lot, look at the one that Bioclean is selling, way more than your $35,000 sweeping truck. There are a lot of rigs out there that most are over $20k easily, mine was when it was built back in 2004.

I am sure that Scott called his sweeper guy stupid for reasons, maybe just kidding, maybe serious, maybe because he does not do a good job, etc.... You will not know until Scott says, if he even says which he does not have to do.

Again, Don't make this into something about you which it was not.

Power Sweepers are as cool as pressure washers I wanted to say.. :)) Didnt mean in the any bad way.
Why you call the lot sweeper stupid? I feel offended.. Keep in mind that a small parking lot sweeping truck in working condition cost around $35000 and up which is I believe more than the best pressure washer rig setup out there. Even though I wouldn't call the Pressure washer stupid :)..
Mine cost more that 35,000


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Most of the sweeper guys I have met are great guys, especially Terry. He is a good person and great businessman.

I would like to get into sweeping one day, I will probably calling a lot of you guys for some of your good advice.