Rinsing Roof


What is the best method of rinsing the roof after the chemical is applied. I've seen some of the attachments with wheels and 4 to 6 jets on a bar. Is there a better low pressure method that won't wash the grains from the shingles?
Most of the guys here do not rinse the roof, in other words they don't use the over the counter scams or products that use scare tactics to get you to buy things.

If you want to rinse you can use the application pump you use to apply the chems, use a garden hose, use a pressure washer with large nozzle so it is soft like a garden hose, etc... Nobody here uses the water brooms or pitch witch.

Go read the roof cleaning section, dozens and dozens and dozens of pages of topics from past many years to read and learn about roof cleaning. Lots of politics and b.s. there too, don't get into that nonsense.

Reading those older posts will teach you about 80% to 90% of what you need to know, when you find things you don't understand or have questions about feel free to ask.
The only thing we rinse is the exterior walls and bushes, plants, grass etc...before and during the application. Mama Nature rinses off all the dead mold, algae, etc...This way there is no damage during the Roof Cleaning. The longer the Roof Cleaning mix stays on the Roof the better. We Clean both Shingle and Tile Roofs the same way.
Does the roof appear clean after just applying the chems or do you have to wait on the rain?
Does the roof appear clean after just applying the chems or do you have to wait on the rain?

Most all Roofs whether Tile or Shingle will appear at least 85%-90% Cleaner after the application. 1-2 good rains ALWAYS Cleans the rest as it removes the dead mold residue, algae, pollution etc...I've had customers tell me that they have seen dirty water and soap coming off the Roof during the 3rd and fourth rain storms.