Rinse Pump ??

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
I was thinking, MAYBE this pump would work for Roof A Cide Applicators ?
http://www.hondapowerequipment.com/pummul.asp It is a "chemical pump", but be careful ?
It is NOT compatible with Sodium Hypochlorite :eek:
Well, MAYBE it is, for awhile, we would have to test this pump.
The Price is right ;)
This little guy MIGHT make a decent rinse/treatment application pump ?
It is a SELF PRIMING Centrifugal pump, and all things being equal, that is what you want.
You run a centrifugal pump dry ONCE, kiss it goodbye, unless it is self priming.
It only has 45 PSI, but is 220 GPM open flow.
We would have to look at the performance curves to see how much GPM is left at different heights ?
A centrifugal pump looses flow drastically as head pressure increases, but we have 220 GPM to "give away".
Can ya tell, I LOVE looking at pumps :)
Rinse Pump

Here is the link to this pumps PDF file http://www.hondapowerequipment.com/pump/p_pages/31YE00AH1.pdf

It shows that this pump will operate up to 100 feet of head PRESSURE.
The performance curve is on page 47 of the PDF file.
At 100 feet of total head, this little guy has almost 50 GPM's availiable.

Retail of this pump/motor combo is only about 525.00, lower with discount.

This pump also has some chemical resistance, so MAYBE it could be used to apply other chemicals besides SH ?
Here is a cheapie http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=93662

No performance curves availiable, but it is 145 GPM at full open flow{no hose, flat on ground}
It has 86 ft of head{roughly 35 PSI}
Centrifugals are weird, ya just gotta try em in my experience.
Some kick azz, and some flat shut off for roof cleaning work.
Ratings mean NOTHING.

This little guy is cheap enough, and Harbor Freight is known to be pretty cool on returns.
I've had good luck with this one Chris, Just WATER NO BLEACH.

Yeah, one can be SURE a diapraghm pump will deliver the goods!
They are just a bit pricey :(
You Being a Fireman Tim, no one needs tell you about centrifugal pumps :)
You know you can put two in SERIES, one feeding the other, and get more pressure.

Pressure is THE "problem" with centrifugal.
In the real world, we have found some work, and some don't.

I had a competitor once, he is gone now, who used Sodium Hydroxide to clean roofs with.
He actually USED some kind of Centrifugal pump to apply the stuff.
I watched him once, and he was scary fast :eek:
Well, applying it anyway :D
He had to wait 30 minutes, and pressure rinse it off.
He used a bad azz Hypro Medium Pressure Diaphragm pump to rinse with.
He was the fastest of THOSE kinds of roof cleaners.
The hypro has been a good one for us. Udor makes one that you can run bleach through also. They are pricey, but well worth it to me. I just don't like the noise, even with a good muffler the gearbox and pump are a little noisy.