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I can only hope that people will wake up including those who enforce the laws and realize that they have a lot of power for change in this country.
For example, we consistently drive 15 over the speed limit here with impunity. They just refuse to ticket for less than that on the highway (unless you have California plates, then watch out!) LE has a CHOICE on what they choose to enforce.
If only 1/2 of them would get out the constitution and read it, then get out their individual state constitutions and read them any one with a conscience at all would never enforce another unconstitutional law again.
That would contribute greatly to turning our country around.
But that takes courage and conviction and the effort to actually learn what the ultimate law of our land says. I hope some of you guys are up to the challenge.
For example, the constitution of the US Says:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The constitution of Nevada says:
1. Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes
Any Law enforcement officer who enforces any local, state or federal regulation that violates the simply enumerated rights above has violated their oath of office to uphold the constitution and is no better than the people in this fictional movie.
It's pretty simple, first learn the foundation of the laws (constitution and state constitutions) then learn the laws and regulations and uphold your sworn duty.
A guy with a gun in his hand standing over a dead body is a SUSPECT and should be treated accordingly. A guy walking down the street with a gun where no crime has been committed is simply a citizen. Leave him alone.
The same goes for confiscating property illegally, making illegal searches, and illegal detainment.
Law Enforcement can be the best ally that "We the People" have or our worst enemy. It's up to them.