Remote Customers


New member
I get several customers that are located elsewhere in the country, but, for various reasons have property in my service areas, whom I have never met. Some as long as 5 years without face to face contact. Yet, those are some of my better customers who always pay without question or issue on my terms. Mainly because of "Can Do'' attitude easing their burdon. And my terms of course.

How do you handle and maintain Remote customers concerning process and payments. Up front or after completion? Email seems to be the biggest asset in cases like this for documentation, ins. binders, contracts, payment info. etc.
I get several customers that are located elsewhere in the country, but, for various reasons have property in my service areas, whom I have never met. Some as long as 5 years without face to face contact. Yet, those are some of my better customers who always pay without question or issue on my terms. Mainly because of "Can Do'' attitude easing their burdon. And my terms of course.

How do you handle and maintain Remote customers concerning process and payments. Up front or after completion? Email seems to be the biggest asset in cases like this for documentation, ins. binders, contracts, payment info. etc.

I have a few customers that i have never met and they are also my best customers. They always pay and never complain. So far i have done my buisness with them over the phone...kinda a pain to get ahold of them somtimes but thats the way i have been doing it.
What do you mean "your terms"? Is there soemthing special you offer them? Just curious.
I give option to pay up front for the service or net 7 plus10% after service is performed.
Usually never a problem either way as most are simple housewashes and deck restos.

I usu. get paid within a few days either way.
I have some lke this also. We do everything on internet though emails. Pics sent and invoices paid through paypal.
paypal, hmmmm. Is that very expensive to have. i.e. monthly svc. fees.
Direct deposit? Safe? Scary? Glad I started thread.

No monthly fees is why we use it. I don't do enough volume through Credit Cards to warrant the monthly fees associated with most CC proccessing. It is just a little higher on per transaction fees. Very secure. I tell customers that I never see thier info. They just go to the link on my site or I place the link in the email and Paypal does the rest.
Thx Michael.
Fear of change ( in processes) I guess. But realizing that change is the only constant. Must keep up with technology at some point.

Does it go directly into your acct. or wait for payment from paypal in form of check or E tsf.?

Not that I need to change as I still get paid timely. But if paypal is instant deposit, I may need to change my methods. Thx again.
Thx Michael.
Fear of change ( in processes) I guess. But realizing that change is the only constant. Must keep up with technology at some point.

Does it go directly into your acct. or wait for payment from paypal in form of check or E tsf.?

Not that I need to change as I still get paid timely. But if paypal is instant deposit, I may need to change my methods. Thx again.

It first goes to your Paypal account which you have options after that.

1) Electronic transfer to your own Bank Account.

2) Use of a PayPal debit card at any store. Mine has 1% Cash Back.

3) Pay for stuff online using your PayPal account
Most wont use and online processing, also they do not want to give the employee making the payments the info.

many corporations are moving to electronic payments.

Merchant accounts are one way, you can get incription software. Security with CC are truly not and issue with the merchant.

There is way more employee abuse than any other.

Another way is a direct deposit set up with your bank.

If you can get away with them taking the steps listed above , please keep doing it.

the main reason for electronic payment is so they avoid the cost of there employees doing the work. I like my system the cards run auto after we template and invoice and no one does any manual work. We have some issues with doing a few by hand.

You have to have a merchant terminal and Bank with a business account.
My never seen customers never have a problem paying, they just send me a check because they are always happy they can trust me, I send them real time pics with my blackberry to thier e-mail while job is in progress, never had a problem. never seen them, sometimes its a realestate company that has empty houses on the market and need clean for curb appeal. Hint guys hint!