Relief Forum TALK!!!!!!!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I talked with Carlos this morning and he said he contacted you about starting a forum about the drought problems.

I told him you’re the Boss man and if you want one you will put one up.

I wanted to give you my spin, for years trouble has come and gone in the industry.

We have had RFP written wrong and peoples deaths that have been tragic.

We need a forum like this but it should be something more on the lines of this.

Pressure washing relief around the globe:

Or maybe

Pressure washer in Need:

Or maybe

How about PWI helps us to name this forum?

Gentleman and ladies PWI is truly your BBS so if Russ decides to make a forum please lets help him name it.

The forum is for discussion on topics that affect us all.

Thanks and appreciate it. Just sent some information over to Bob at PtState and we are going to try to get on the phone with each other prior to the RT in PA.


I an industry we ALL should look at this and see what can come of it. As mentioned to Ron and a few others....this is open to anyone regardless if they are attached to an organization or not. No boundaries as to who can benefit from it.
We added ours first thing this morning. I had actually planned to do it before talking to Carlos, and came up with the idea while out of town. Glad to see we are all on the same page. News and information on how the weather effects us all in various parts of the country is important.

We added ours first thing this morning. I had actually planned to do it before talking to Carlos, and came up with the idea while out of town. Glad to see we are all on the same page. News and information on how the weather effects us all in various parts of the country is important.


PWI and all of us if this will work, we need to bann together and really start understanding the need for a voice not only in our own communitys but the efforts and minds of many.

being able to forcast a problems and not allow it to happen.
Millions of dollars where just wasted on a national contract that is now going to be scrubbed.

This is a lesson for all contractors learned do not buy the equipment needed until the fat lady sings.

I wonder how many millions and how many contractors will be hurt?

On to another note as far back as I can remember there is always been a crisis of death or hardship do to something or another.

McMoos was not the first we have had other tragically pass and this time some good people stepped in and helped.

In a perfect world wouldn’t it be nice to be able to help in advance, or course we cannot see death but let us be ready when it strikes again.

What ever or whom ever shouldn’t the brotherhood of pressure cleaners stick together?

If they shut down Georgia down; who will be next?

We all have a vested interest in local and federal policies concerning pressure cleaning. There are 1000’s of us strong. We are certainly not a minority by any means.

The pressure washing sales business is in the billions and the service business is growing 100 of percents each year.

Forbes magazine had pressure washing to grow 500 percent and had it as a top five start up business in the 90’s.

We stand here a few babbling people on the bbs when all its takes is a few to rally us and assemble some leaders.
Sometimes events even hit the home directly, I recall posts of guys having their trucks go up in flames from not realizing the risks involved in the products they use, and even those that left the industry due to the need of health insurance for their children. Its going to take more than just those doing the work getting together to make something happen, its going to take related aspects of companies and lawyers to get involved to even make a dent in any kind of progress.
I agree wholeheartedly Ron.

Me personally, I really want to give every opportunity to the folks that are spearheading this new org discussion in PA a chance to spell out their plan.

As I mentioned to you on the phone and publicly put out in the forums, myself and others saw a need in our industry to provide some help to our fellow contractors down south. My energy will be focused in on that.

I am extremely grateful to see the PWI, PTState and TGS onboard with us.

Again, anyone that fits the billet of needing assistance can approach this group for help. PWNA members are not excluded.

Am I all for unifying US contractors as a voice for future involvement to help out our fellow contractors? One would not need to ask me twice as long it truly benefits the contractor and contractor only!

The leader(s) that are needed to make this happen....that is up to the contractors to decide and endorse.

Ron -- is this possible? It sure is and it can be a breath of fresh air to a stagnant industry!!
An organization will need to address TRUE problems as they REALLY are. Most don't like to hear that there are an abundance of uninformed folks running around with a pressure washer and no clue of business practices. Nobody likes to hear that just maybe a percentage of of folks actually using these boards or belonging to PWNA, UAMCC etc., are in fact detrimental to our industry by way of bad business practices. There is a reason that some contractors in the drought areas are fairing better than others. Education! Business Education. Those that have sold services at the proper rates and those that saved for rainy days (or not so rainy) are fairing better than the guys that we all like to label as lowballers. How do you think the guy with the $69 house washes is doing right now? Do we help him? And if we do, do we give it to him with a good piece of our mind trying to help them not get back into this situation? Do we educate him as to why The pressure washing industry as a whole gets forgotten when the authorities are dishing out water restrictions? Tell him that it because of his low price mentality and not taking Business seriously putting best foot forward at all times creating a PROFESSIONAL face to our industry. We aren't taken seriously as long as there are guys in old beat up trucks with 4 different tires out spraying high pressure water for amounts that can only be profitable through non-compliant business practices.

While I believe we need changes and unity, I also feel that it has to be very well thought out. Just like our own government that is supposed to benefit all, has become only beneficial to a few. Our Taxes( membership dues) being squandered and given out as welfare or lining pockets of a congressmans nephew that bids on a contract. PWNA should be an example of just that.

I have a number of ideas that may or may not come out at the ACR RT. I need to be sure I am not going to be helping a Friend of a Friend profit from my ideas. I need to see that key players are truly aware of some of the ROOT problems with our industry and aware of what contractors really need or want from an org.

Let's get ideas rolling but also remember that not all ideas are good and when it doesn't come to fruitition, don't get discouraged. Keep coming up with ideas. I say that folks should list what they want from an Org. Then go from there do define a way to acomplish it.

I know that my post is all over the place but I am better at speaking this than typing it. I really hope some of the better ideas come out at this RT. I believe the best will be in the lobby of the hotel.

my little 2 cents
Come to the ARC event and share. Be part of the solution. Keeping things to one's self doesn't help... no offense, but how will you know until you share if your ideas will even be welcomed by others?

See that's the thing...I have been through the ups and downs of PWNA since we joined in 1999 in various ways. Regardless of how I have felt about different leaders along the way I have not stopped being a voice, or sharing ideas. This is really important - at least to me it is. If you don't share thoughts, opinions and ideas we can't make the industry a better place for ALL of us in ALL states. People's businesses are at risk. Businesses employ not just owners but other people with families and obligations. This is a huge deal.

Anyone who plans to attend this meeting - again - I am on my soapbox, I have my coffee, and I mean no offense to anyone.... anyone who goes to the meeting needs to check their ego at the door and just bring and open mind and all the suggestions they can offer. No one should feel slighted when the ideas have to be prioritized and any particular idea goes to the bottom of the list because it is not as critical of a goal. Also no one should be admonished for not being able to give a ton of time or money to get this rolling. Do only what you can, and respect the time of others.

A few years back, I was a work horse for PWNA. I don't think that was a secret. Sometimes it is easy for others to hand off more and more work to someone who gives of their time freely. Get yourselves into the mindset right now that the only time you can manage is YOUR time. Respect the time of others as their time. I have known many volunteers who where shunned for not giving more, and many who had both business and family suffer for over extending themselves. I guess the words I want to impress here are respect, and measure.

Measure what you can give. Respect what others can give. Work within those boundaries.... many hands make light the work.

I'll get off my soap box. I will share just as I always have, my ideas and suggestions. Use them, as you all see fit to do or not do. But be careful how you proceed and do not let yourselves get caught up in the posturing, the politics ( it is ALWAYS there) and the power struggles that are a part of this. Just be true to being helpful caring people. It will work.

More coffee....and again, this is not meant to offend anyone. If it does, I apologize in advance....
