Realtor Market

Clear Shine

New member
Here's an Idea for you guys to do that I am going to start doing. I picked up some of those free realtor books you see everywhere, and I am going to go through them and get every email address I can for every realtor and email them about our services we offer (pressure washing, house washing, roof cleaning, etc.) a flyer or something made up....but I will email them about every 2 months to keep it freash in their minds....also, tell them we will give the realtors themselves discounts for their personal residences...just a thought that is free and only costs some time...
Here's an Idea for you guys to do that I am going to start doing. I picked up some of those free realtor books you see everywhere, and I am going to go through them and get every email address I can for every realtor and email them about our services we offer (pressure washing, house washing, roof cleaning, etc.) a flyer or something made up....but I will email them about every 2 months to keep it freash in their minds....also, tell them we will give the realtors themselves discounts for their personal residences...just a thought that is free and only costs some time...
Good idea.
Just do not spam them
please define spam
This is the definition from

"The word "Spam" as applied to Email means Unsolicited Bulk Email ("UBE").

Unsolicited means that the Recipient has not granted verifiable permission for the message to be sent. Bulk means that the message is sent as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantively identical content.

A message is Spam only if it is both Unsolicited and Bulk.
- Unsolicited Email is normal email
(examples: first contact enquiries, job enquiries, sales enquiries)
- Bulk Email is normal email
(examples: subscriber newsletters, customer communications, discussion lists)"

From this definition it sounds like you are sending a first contact inquiry as to wether or not they would be interested in hearing more about your service. That would be unsolicited, but would not be Spam.

Be careful about how you go about this, because I think it would be easy to cross the line without even realizing it.
Here's an Idea for you guys to do that I am going to start doing. I picked up some of those free realtor books you see everywhere, and I am going to go through them and get every email address I can for every realtor and email them about our services we offer (pressure washing, house washing, roof cleaning, etc.) a flyer or something made up....but I will email them about every 2 months to keep it freash in their minds....also, tell them we will give the realtors themselves discounts for their personal residences...just a thought that is free and only costs some time...
i cold call when i see dirty roofs.. closed 2.
Fredo what is a "Realator Marketer"? i would like her e-mail.