Real time pics from the Gulf

That is what I am being told. I have a lot of friends and family that vacation in Gulf Shores and they are staying out of the ocean. First word I got was a few weeks ago and they said it was little oily granules that were hardly noticable. Now I am being told of the brown "jelly fish" looking blobs. Ugh.
I was fishing the Gulf further south last week.

Makes me sick.

I still can't believe they didn't make a reasonable effort to contain this when it was much smaller. From what I've read the feds have tied the hands of states to attempt to protect their own shores. They need environmental impact studies before they allow anything. Insanity.
Well, except Bobby Jindahl said, "Screw you, I have waited for permission long enough" and went ahead and did it. I would bet the others will follow suit shortly.
The sales demos sell the product.

They used it with the exxon spill, I'm dumbfounded by a lot of things lately, BMG not being present/mentioned in the gulf is just one of them.

I keep some in the van at all times
where is this
Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Alabama

We walked out on the beach today for a few minuites and it smelled like a diesel fueling station with a huge spill at the pump. Very very bad!

The oil was just rolling up on shore where we were:scratchhead:
My sister lives in Gulf Shores and says it is pretty bad and getting worse everyday. She knows a lot of shop owners, restaurant owners, and condo owners and says the economic impact has not hit hard yet. Most people that had scheduled vacations still came and spent money. She said the water park is overloaded, opening 3 hours more per day, the go kart places are packed since people can't go to the beach. She said the real impact is that NO ONE will Schedule a future vacation for some time to come.

At first a lot of people were on the beach scooping up the globs and trying to make it look nice, after about three days and waves of the stuff kept coming in, they just gave up.

I feel bad for people in that area.
And they are making it worse!

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