Here is the fine print from kohler engines:
Kilowatt (kW) and horsepower (HP) specifications for Kohler general purpose engines are calculated pursuant to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J1940 for horsepower ratings - calculated with the air cleaner and muffler removed, per the SAE standard. Actual engine horsepower is lower and affected by, but not limited to, accessories (air cleaner, exhaust, charging, cooling, fuel pump, etc.), application, engine speed and ambient operating conditions (temperature, humidity and altitude). The reason for this standard is to provide consistent measurement to customers who may want to control the intake and exhaust features of the engine. It is important to note that the power output of all Kohler engines is always as advertised. For more information, contact Kohler Co. Engine Engineering Department. Kohler Co. reserves the right to change product specifications,designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligation.
That is one of the reasons I wanted the 34HP minimum on my system, but it was to late for me as the pw build was started, and the change order cost was over budget.
The better manufacturers of the industry mates pumps and engines based on:
HP = (GPM X PSI)/1100
but I have also seen literature with this one as well:
HP = ((GPM x PSI)/1460 ) X 1.5
I think if you setup your units with the second formula it is more an industrial setup.
Example: for an 8 gpm @ 3500 psi 12V machine
A cheaper machine would couple a 25 HP kohler
A descent machine a 27 HP kohler
The better machine a 30 HP kohler
then you have to remember the fine print above for all kohlers, HP is before all the accessories.
So if you have the budget a 34HP kohler minimum should set you straight, it would run many marathon cleaning jobs without a problem.
This brings me to another point, pressure washing manufactures typical pump setups are 99.9% of the times setup for non "marathon" use, because frankly 99.9% of us dont operate our units like that. (my definition of "marathon" operation is : frequent continuous cleaning, operation over days before you ever cut the machine off)
However I think if your budget allows, select a pump for your pressure washing unit based on continuous operation, it would be more of an industrial setup.