Quotes of Thomas Jefferson

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Liberals like to point to Thomas Jefferson as their one and only "forefather" and claim that he shared there beliefs in government along with thier disdain for religion and God in general. They are wrong on both counts.

Here are some quotes from Jefferson that are suprisingly prophetical:

• “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.”

• “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

• “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

• “It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.”

• “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”

• “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”

• “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
EXCELLENT POST Tony and It seems our Founding Fathers could see into the future by Looking into the PAST and were Very Worldly People.

It just amazes me that they were so on the mark with things we see today and what they warned us about, Maybe it was Because they were God Fearing something we have lost in our countries politics as of today. I mean you have to say Happy Holidays just not to Offend anyone today and it is CRAZY after all we are celebrating the Birth of Christ not a Holiday and back then it was what they believed in that keep them strong and free.

If we don't learn from the Past, We Shall Fail in the Future and it will come to pass.
If we don't learn from the Past, We Shall Fail in the Future and it will come to pass.

The problem today is the liberal mindset thinks that those guys were just a bunch of old guys from the old days and everything they did is outdated.

I'd like to ask the liberals on the board a question.(you know who you are....if your checkmark on the ballot was next to any name that started with an "O" you're a liberal, even if you think you aren't)

Just so you know, if you are a long time democrat, John F. Kennedy was FAR more conservative than McCain, so if you voted against McCain you can't be anything but a liberal. (Don't believe me about JFK? Look up his writings and speeches. He was a hardcore conservative compared to todays limp wristed republicans.)

Here's the question:

So what's new? What has changed since 1776 that warrants a revamp of our entire form of government? What makes the Government implemented over 200 years ago outdated?
We have let Big Buisness tell us what we need. They are in every politicians pocket, thats how things are done. We are bailing out the very people who would kick us out of our homes if we were late on a payment, the very companies that will come and take your car because you lost your job and were late on a payment.

I know in reality we need to bail out the Big 3 just to save whats left of this economy, but if i had my way they would all sow what they reap !!!

I love this country to much to watch it go down the tubes, just because of the greedy 1% er's in this country, they are nothing but takers, even in bad times they still manage to take.

I always use cigaretts as a perfect example of Big Buisness, there are so many know carcinagens in butt's that will kill you, but they put them right up front in every store, and the prescriptions that will help you, get put in the far back corner? WTF is wrong with this picture.

If you tried to bring a product to market, and it had 1 ingredient in it that may give you a stomach ache it will never pass the FDA. But you want a Camel non filter loaded with chemicals proven and written right on the F**king pack that it will KILL YOU, thats KOOL....

Maybe it's me but like i have said before, we need a complete DOUCHING of Government as a whole, and start all over, starting pay in Government should be Minimum wage and you get raises by the people when you earn it!! Just like us ...:cool:
LOL Tony and his I am going to start a political war at the PWI.

Very entertaining...
LOL Tony and his I am going to start a political war at the PWI.

Very entertaining...

I'm not trying to start a war. I just asked a question. I really want to know the answer.

I'm not too old or stuck in my ways to learn something.

I'm also not shy about letting people know what I THINK either though, so maybe that's what gives you the impression I'm trying to start a political war.

I'm not trying to be divisive. I'm want to be known as a "uniter" :D

I certainly wouldn't want to start a "nucular" war.:)
I'm also not shy about letting people know what I THINK either though, so maybe that's what gives you the impression I'm trying to start a political war.

Nawh, who would have thunk it:D :D