PWNA, why would you do this?

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I was just thinking...tomorrow night is halloween, I get to take my 2 year old nephew out trick-or-treating, paint a pumpkin on my pregnant fiance (due Nov. 29th) and make great family memories, THEN I start to think, aahhhh yes, I am missing the PWNA convention, and why, well partly because of $$$, but even if I had the money I wouldn't go because of Halloween. PWNA, why would you have a convention over a family holiday? We want to see our kids dressed up, make sure they are home safe and not eating poisoned candy. How can we do this if we are at a convention? What are your guys feeling on this. Am I crazy. And just to stop it before it starts, if someone says anything about expanding our business is more important than family, you can stick you business up your A$%. My family is more important and plan on keeping it that way, though, the biz does run a close second. So, what are your views?
Hey, I'm with ya. Personally I think that is the hardest piece to swallow. My kids are a little older, 12 and 8, so I am fortunate. This will be the first one I miss. And...the last I hope!

I know this is being posted a day late since everyone is on their way there but if by chance one is reading this bring it up at the general membership meeting to change the date.

I think if the board here's it from the members they migh, just might move it up a week.

Or start writing letters to the PWNA explaining the situation.
I hear ya. I don't think anyone really thinks that there business is more important then there families but some people might not be married and they don't have any kids so to them there business would be TOP PRIORITY. I know it would be for me if I wasn't married with children.

As for Halloween my family for the last three years has gone to for a bigtime halloween party(No kids aloud). This year it falls on Nov.1 which is this friday. Thank God I'm good friends with the owner of this Castle because for $185 per ticket to get in and I get 7 of these tickets I would never be able to afford it.

This is why I couldn't even think about going to the PWNA convention. Maybe next year...Unless of course it falls on Halloween weekend.
This might seem to be socially unacceptable, judgemental and generally insensitive, but this post really bugs me. A guy that runs a "Gentlemen's Club" strip joint with a pregnant girlfriend is spouting family values. I guess that I am very traditional conservative, that also has to work tonight. I just hate having someone adopt a holier than thou attitude towards me when their are a lot of thing sthat I see that appears as if they hold the things that they are espousing in no regard. Go ahead, flame away. I just had to get it off of my chest.

Goahead and spout that it is a p[ersonal choice thing. I don't care. All of us make bad choices every day, that does not mean that I am going to support those poor choices.

Just for the record, I have been married for almost 15 years to the same woman, and have four kids. My wife stays home and I work.

Scott Stone

better know as the eve of "all saints day"
The irish[celtics] thought that oct 31 was when the ghousts re-visited the earth and people.
Happy new your to all you people from ireland.
Remember you know your paranoid but they still might be watching you.
It is a fair question and I am glad you asked it. Last year we were scheduled for Pittsburgh but do to being a month after 911 we had to cancel the show. No one wanted to travel and registrants and exhibitors we cancelling their reservations. Since we had a contract with the hotel we were at the hotels mercy for rescheduling unless we wanted to incure some large fees. Unfortunely we had very limited choices Halloween or Labor day. As you can see we choose Halloween and I would have much preffered to be at home with my 17 month older daughter. Beleive me, we do not plan on letting this happen again.
I would suppose even strippers have families - don't they?

We are all sinners - no one is perfect (well, OK - I do have my days.) Lies are no less a sin then murder or theft or adultry or wanting that $400K home (don't take my word for it - I didn't make it up). It's hard to be humble, forgiving and to like the ones you don't agree with.

Time to read THE BOOK again!
I have no problem with sinners, it is sinners that try to put themselves on a pedestal and dictate virtues that I have a problem with supporting

If you want to vote silent, please choose the rating of this thread. personally I dont really see it the way Scotty does. Hes afreind and I like the guy. I don't really know all these details about anyone.

I think this meeting was a bad idea. not because of the family values thing but that people plain just like to do other things.

I was going to the show today, I never made it to the airport. I was on standby and had only two flights that had openings. both flights 2 hours prior were full. My Kids are at the trunk or treat that my area has. they park the cars at the park near by and pass candy out of the trunk. kids stay in sight and everyone knows each other.

I would have rather been at the show, I wanted to meet a few guys. I'll probably just fly out and see them on my own in the next couple of weeks. I probably should have booked my ticket. Vegas will be easier for me and much more appealing. I dont think I a bad father for wanting to do things without the family. I pretty much have holidays all year long everyday. My kids are sick of me...LOL
First of all Scott, it seems people can have pretty big hearts on a computer because after your comments, if made in my presence, I would, well I am sure you could figure it out. Next, if your level of education was high enough, you would have read in my previous posts that I USED to run and adult nightclub, for about 2 years. I never said there was anything wrong or right with it, and I guess you never did anything a little less than holy in your life. You know what, it wasn't illegal so shove it. Maybe you are just a little jealous you weren't talented enough to run a mulit-million dollar corporation and save a lot of money to start their own biz. Next, make another reference about my FIANCE, and I will be taking a trip to Arizona, I don't play that game. Maybe you should talk to a few Italians you know and ask them about family, and what they would do to defend their families honor. Yes, I am Italian and take family attacks whether verbal or physical just the same. Yes, she is pregnant and we have been engaged for some time now and oh well, don't like it, don't care. I don't feel the need to explain the situation to a neanderthal such as yourself. If I would rather stay home with my 2 year old nephew and my PREGNANT FIANCE rather than attend a PWNA seminar, that's what I will do and you nor anyone else will ever change my mind. If my children were older and I have already seen and been apart of the "cute" part, I would go, but now, I won't. Scott, it sounds like you have something deep rooted that is bothering you. Maybe you have some skeletons in the closet that are trying to get out but you are much too embarrassed to let them out. So, what is it Scott, mommy not hold you enough, daddy not tell you he loved you enough, or is your wife cheating on you because you are so closed minded? What ever the case, I have calmed down now and can go kiss my beautiful fiance's belly. I don't have to live with you, but you do, I am sorry you do, it must be a horrible time.
P.S. I don't really ever saying anything about family values, I was referring to spending time with my family.
P.S.S. Out of respect for Ron I have modifed this post. Sorry I could't really say what I wanted too.
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Mike, take it easy man, your going to blow a gasket. I think Scott may have taken your post a little personal. But your lauguage is not right. Italian or not this BBS is run with out the bleeps. I no saint either but we have customers watching. At least i do and this stuff is ridiculous. if your pissed at scott E-mail him or respond with some patients and think about that child reading your words. would you want that. this BBS will be around then, will he or she think daddy was right? maybe maybe Not? think about your children reading your words. go back and edit the post yourself man and clean it up. do it before mike H does.
Ron, modified.
Gasket already burst, and now re-sealed.
But...I won't privatly defend myself to a public attack, sorry.
People can have big mouths on the phone or here on computers so I have to say my peace in public when attacked in public. If it was in person, I would have been much, much quieter.
Maybe we should all stop and think...
Don't throw stones when living in glass house.
I'm done.
Ron, I understand what you are saying about doing it differently, but there is only one other way I know how to do it different, and I am not in that racket anymore, and hope never to be again.
enough said.
First of all, I am not pissed. I can even understand Extreme's feelings. If he felt that I was attacking his fiance/girlfriend I apologize. I just thought it was ironic that he was the one spouting family values, with his past history. He probably attacked me personally far more than I attacked him, whatever floats your boat. I just feel that if your going to talk the talk, you should be walking the walk.
BTW, I have put guys in the hospital for talking about my wife that way. If you are going to attack someone, attack me, don't bring my wife and kids into it. The most I did was mention your pregnant girlfriend.

I don't think I said anything about your children, so that's that.
About your wife, I shouldn't have said a word, I apologize.
About you supposodly putting who knows in the hospital for talking about your wife like? Then maybe you should think about the next time you speak about someone elses wife/fiance/girlfriend because you just may end up somewhere other than a hospital, and no, for anyone reading into this, that was not a threat. There, my ass is covered.
About the family values thing, again, I guess your reading and comprehension skills are lacking, I never mentioned family values.
About walking the walk, I gave reasons I would not attend this years PWNA convention, and I didn't. Guess I walk it pretty well.
I saw you did apologize for certain comments, apology accepted. I did take huge offense to what you said and maybe read into it more than I should have, but I just went by what was typed. I did get very hot and if I offended you, which I am sure I did, I too apologize. One thing you definitly should not do is make judgements on me until you have walked in my shoes. If you have for even one day, I am sure your comments would never have entered your train of thought. I am done with this topic.
I will now get back to the task at hand, learning and teaching.
i remember/MIKE

when this site was about pressure washing.
New Guy's stuff happens
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