PWNA, reflecting back.

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
PWNA, reflecting back.

Now EA is the big cheese,

The PWNA is making big steps with EA at the helm.

I truly think they will make major jumps during EA terms.

I wanted to start this thread as a reminder about the positive movement that has occurred over the years.

Chris Detter in my time was the biggest benefit as president that I believe anyone to date has made a difference. Many things did not change but where put in motion by Chris.

Beth ruffled feathers have made behind and up front changes and has helped the org tremendously.

Many new things have come from the PWNA controversy and things have improved all around.

Soon all these will be on a judgment scale.

I hope all have leaned people are just that, mistakes will be made and in the end it will improve.