PWNA bbs


These boards are terrific. I have used them occasionally from time to time and have not made many posts. Some of the posts I have made were fueled by emotion and I would like to appologize to everyone for those.

Here is what I am experiencing.... I believe that all these different boards are becoming a nuicense. There are too many of them and half the time I can't remember what one I was looking at to read a certain post. I see that many of you bounce from board to board and I try to do this also but find it very time consuming. I don't understand how some of you get any work done with as many posts I see at all the different boards.

I believe the BBS are an important part of this business but I don't believe they should be this business.

Everyone wants a successful board. Heck I can't even name all the different boards that are out there.. let alone keep up with them.

I believe that we should have one major board. Maybe have the PWNA control the board or all boards merge and share posts so a guy can go to one board and read posts from eveyone. Make Ron the board administrator and all work as a team to make these boards more efficient and less of a waste of time traveling from one site to another.

Hopefully I get some agreement on this issue because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I mean everyone wants to help and be helped in this business.... yet everyone wants the recognition of having a good BBS. If we aren't wasting each other's time traveling from board to board..... by the way, the chat rooms are rarely used because eveyone is bouncing from board to board searching for answers they should be able to find on board. Then the chat rooms will be active because there will be more than just a handfull of people in each board.

My opion is that these boards are becoming a business. I don't have the time to post or answer posts on everyone of them and is the right person gonna read my post.... or is he lost bouncing from board to board.

This is an issue that I feel someone should deal with. Lets all share one board and make use of chatrooms and promote organization.

I look forward to your comments....

I agree to some point about the numerous boards, but there are several reasons (at least that I can see) why the boards may never be consolidated.

1. Not everybody gets along well enough to have just one board.

2. Some of the guys out there that do more than "just" powerwash want a place for there products.

3. Everybody has one board where they feel more comfortable.

These are the reasons that I see that they won't consolidate. I personally feel more comfortable with this board. That doesn't mean that I don't travel to all the other boards everyday. Also, IMO, having the PWNA board as the main one just isn't feasable(sp). There are many people that I've seen in my short time on here that aren't quite to sure about PWNA.

Anyway, that's my two cents worth.

Have a great day.
I opened my BBS to find a freedom that was not available at the time. I ran this BBS and set the tone and change the standard at which most bbs operate. .

We now enjoy the freedoms from many different opinions. I enjoy going to others and I enjoy bringing important stuff back from other bbs to the PWNA & PWI. These are my home BBS for now in hopes that the PWNA BBS will grow to be a larger forum. Truly these BBS do not stand on any affiliation to make a profit off anyone. Clearly that could be why they will remain and stay the best online BBS in existence.

Mike’s in charge of this BBS and he’s the best guy. I don’t have the time to deal with worrying about other’s feelings about this or that. I enjoy posting good material and sometimes just shooting the bull. I enjoy being a regular member at PWI & helping the PWNA build a site that means something.

If the PWNA had built a site long ago I would have never Started PWI. I would have dedicated time to them to make there site a better forum.

Anyone that starts a site I admire for the courage and wish them well. It’s not as easy as I have made it look. These sites require someone to spend time and answer people. I was fortunate because I have a people that made this site great. It’s a nice mixture of talent. I owe the success to others. Every member that posts is important, every moderator that helps run the forums is important. Mike Hughes reflects on this PWI will be hard to catch.

Good luck to all

Thank to all the members of all sites:

Ron Musgraves