PWI has fallen far from the rankings

Clean County PW

Active member
I remember when PWI was near the top in the rankings on The only bb ahead of it back then was Delco's. Why has this bb fallen so far from the pack. Here's the list.

This is all thru

1-Avg. Review for
Traffic Rank for 814,153

2-Traffic Rank for 927,437

Traffic Rank for 1,064,587

4-Traffic Rank for 1,558,290

5-Traffic Rank for 2,336,810

6- Tied PWNA bb Traffic Rank for : No Data
-Traffic Rank for : No Data for

Other Ranks according to Alexa::::

PWNATraffic Rank for 1,255,048

IWCA Traffic Rank for 1,028,624

Boma Traffic Rank for 487,720

My Website Traffic Rank for 3,605,665
WHOOO HOOOOO!!!! This is am excellent FREE SPEACH board!! Thanks Ron Grant and yeah you too Russ.
John, you should correct the incorrect statment on TGS. PWI is higher ranked by traffic.

Personally I think its funny, I have not checked it in a long while.

Maybe some of the idiots that left here have finnally driven away traffic from others bbs back here.
According to the numbers TGS is ranked the must be talking about reach which isn't as important as rank..Hell you showed me how to do this years ago..remember when we used to put these numbers up all the time and your RANK was right behind Delco....I'm just reporting the rank numbers..I can't change what there saying..but this site can by climbing back to where it was
Here's the answer broken down::

Reach measures the number of users. Reach is typically expressed as the percentage of all Internet users who visit a given site. So, for example, if a site like has a reach of 28%, this means that if you took random samples of one million Internet users, you would on average find that 280,000 of them visit Alexa expresses reach as number of users per million. Alexa's one-week and three-month average reach are measures of daily reach, averaged over the specified time period. The reach rank is a ranking of all sites based solely on their reach. The three-month changes are determined by comparing a site's current reach and reach rank with its values from three month ago.

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's current rank with its rank from three months ago. For example, on July 1, the three-month change would show the difference between the rank based on traffic during the first quarter of the year and the rank based on traffic during the second quarter.
Ron Do Not Yell!!!! You Will Be Spanked Or At Least Edited!!!!!!!!
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According to the numbers TGS is ranked the must be talking about reach which isn't as important as rank..Hell you showed me how to do this years ago..remember when we used to put these numbers up all the time and your RANK was right behind Delco....I'm just reporting the rank numbers..I can't change what there saying..but this site can by climbing back to where it was

Yes, you made a mistake, LOL thats what funny. we are higher......LOL

your right numbers dont lie.

Please correct the incorrect, Thank in advance.
I stand's the PWI numbers which are rapped into Propowerwash which was my mistake. PWI is Number one just a hair ahead of TGS....the two best bb's on the net.
Traffic Rank: 811,945 - Site info
I went over to the other bb and they are doing the same things. Years ago a guy told me that when you change banks you are just changing faces. They are all the same. This bb is a internet home to some. Asking the same question at each bb doesn't make much sense to me.

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You're right, numbers don't lie. :)

Not trying to say either board is "better"...each has it's place, and both have and do provide an important and valuable service to the industry. This "us vs. them" mentality is just kinda stupid, IMO.