Putting logo next to my name below


I also have a logo I would like to appear below my url. How is this done? here is the new logo Amanda did for me.


  • newlogo.jpg
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Didn't read this thread before i posted the other one.

Can i E-mail you a word document with the logo on it? will that give you what you need to make the signature banner?

Shawn, we have been giving anyone that wants a signature banner since the site started.

you can have one, but i preffer you post it and then i will insert it for you. you can do it yourself as many members have.

just call me if you want, i will not download any files. so please post it and i will insert it.
The company I have heard of before by the name of Hot Wash was in the Chatham county area and he's gone....I could be mistaken but - if somebody wants to call the number???