Public Servants

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Congress just let their automatic raise go through for next year ($4700.00).

Here's some interesting info I found this morning:

In the beginning days of 1789, Congress was paid only $6 a day, which would be about $75 daily by modern standards. But by 1965 members were receiving $30,000 a year, which is the modern equivalent of about $195,000.

Currently the average lawmaker makes $169,300 a year, with leadership making slightly more. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) makes $217,400, while the minority and majority leaders in the House and Senate make $188,100.

From the equivalent of $75 per day (in today's dollars) they now make $1643.00 per day. Public servant my a**!

Here's another little tidbit that helped me in the math:

By the time the gavel comes down on the 109th Congress on Friday, members will have worked a total of 103 days. That's seven days fewer than the infamous "Do-Nothing Congress" of 1948.

The founding fathers WERE public servants. These guys are public leaches.
I'm mixed on this. I have no problem them making $169K or even 200K+ But I think there should be term limits so no one congressman is in so long he weilds much more power than the next one. Plus you are there so long, you really dont even know what the real world is about anymore

I definitly dont think they should have the high pensions they have and if there are term limits the pension should be minimal. All there other bennies should be cut off after they leave the job. If you are a good congressman you should be able to get a good job when you get out.

Now the problem I see with term limits is these greedy bastards will start cutting deals and taking some kinds of payoffs quicker to make the money while they are there
I think we should have a complete Douching of Government and start over at Minimum wage and see who steps up to bring this country back to Prosperity!!!!
Nice, they give the union workers crap about making $70-80 and hour yet they make over $200 an hour for an 8 hour day at 103 days for doing seemingly nothing. Not saying I'm a fan of unions because I'm absolutely not. But everyone else is being forced out of jobs, and less time at work, while these lovely "public servants" are getting increases in pay.
I think we should have a complete Douching of Government and start over at Minimum wage and see who steps up to bring this country back to Prosperity!!!!

I like that, douching of government :D

Then mexicans would run the country, because they're not scared of a minimum wage. I say this because of all the people who say mexicans are taking all their jobs, when they wouldn't take them for the pay. Uppity poor folk as I'll refer to them.
It's a MONARCHY just look at how they are trying to give Ms Kennedy the Thrown LOL just because her father was the senator from that state and she thinks it should be hers and you wonder why things are screwed up like they are, NO SHAME for these guys. Lets face they are Elitists and they think it is their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to be where they are.
This government is just like Hollywood, If you are related to some one in the BIZ you automaticly become an actor or actress. Even if you anit worth a S**T!!! NEPOTISM....Just look at the KENNEDY'S and the Baldwin brothers and Will smiths kids, Do you have any idea what they pay Will Smith's little kids? I bet for 1 movie they are in, we could retire our family for the rest of our live's.

I hope that Hollywood falls into the Pacific Ocean, I wont miss any of those no talent A Holes. We could end hunger in this world if we just gave Hollywoods money to charity for 1 year....what a bunch of Loser's.

Just venting...I just donated food to the Homless today, and i got a good close look at some of these kids and their parents that are so down and out, and have no clue where to go from here?

God help us all!!!
I believe they are not public servants. We elininated servants during the civil war. When I was a fireman, people thought we were public servants also. This is a messed up analogy of the meaning.
Next, I hope my congressman can afford to spend his undivided time protecting my rights and our government. If they did not make enough to live, they would be our part time helpers? They support two homes and live very different life styles then most of us. Check and see what your own town mayor makes. Probably not a lot less then many congress men. I don't know of any congressmen who got rich from their salary. I personally don't want a representative making low wages, protecting my rights. If you don't feel they are worth what they are paid, vote someone else in. Or run yourself? This would solve a lot of problems?
......I hope that Hollywood falls into the Pacific Ocean, I wont miss any of those no talent A Holes. We could end hunger in this world if we just gave Hollywoods money to charity for 1 year....what a bunch of Loser's.

I'm pretty sure there's a law against that happening. They're pretty strict about how much poop can go in the ocean.