Public Perceptions.

Scott Stone

New member
A funny story. My two oldest boys are their Junior High's National Academic League team. My oldest is high scorer. They are going to the State Championship today, and were interviewed last week for the Newspaper. One of the questions that the reporter asked was,"What does your father do for a living?" My son looked at him and tolf him the absolute truth, "he washes trucks." The reporter thought he was pulling his chain, and tried to get him to say I was a doctor, an attorney, or Engineer or something impressive. He must not have believed him, because the quote didn't make the paper. :D

Scott Stone
Hello Scott,

Great story Scott from a Proud Dad! Cherish them; they won’t be Boys much longer.

Dave Olson
I just came back from their match. They won the State competition, My two sons were two of the top scorers. :D They won by 25 points over all.

Two Sons - State Champion

You must be very proud.

As of "Perception" - All the members of all the boards and the PWNA are working on that Public Perception. 10 - 15 yrs ago the same would have happen if your son would have said landscaper, but not today.
My now 8 year old daughter competes at the national level in baton twirling and last year during a judged interview they asked what her parents did.
She proudly said, they work for Henry's Housework! close but not quite there yet... A little more coaching and she will be able to sell jobs for me..
She just loves pretending to answer the phones and write up job invoices with colored pencils..
My daughter (10yrs old) just design a logo for my Janitorial business. Chip off the old block & yes I'm proud. She in the process of starting a lawn mowing business. She has three of the neighborhood kids that will work for her. Our yard was her first account - she has gain three more in the past two weeks.