Proud of this BBS and its Member & moderators.

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Proud of this BBS and its Member & moderators.

I have a post that stands out for the month of November. Kendras post may change the face of this BBS, I know about you I never realized the need for the contract. I use them myself but always thought others where too. This selfless act to share something that may have cost her several hundreds of dollars made me think. The tremendous response for members needing this type of form is crazy. (Way to Go Kendra)

I think all posts are great I just thought that one was special. Every month I will reflect on something no matter how large or small it may be. I thank the moderator and the members for all the help running this BBS. Without you this thing would not work and we all would not be able to share. I do support the bb but you guys make it great.

Not one individual can make magic. The magic surrounding this BBS is wonderful. bigboy calls it the freedom BB. For whatever the reasons you tune in please keep-tuning in. encourage other’s you know in the industry to visit. Take the time and shoot them and e-mail. I know what your thinking your saying Ron I don’t know anyone, BS everyone knows someone, please make the effort and make this BBS strong.

I always say 2 heads are better than one. On the BBS its 1000’s are better than ours.

Thanks again and keep Posting on all BBS. Bigboy & Scott said it “its not about us its about people needing help”
Should I take my hanky out now or later. lol Its great to see this bb prevailing in a way that it is. The format here is excellent where everyone has an equal say in things that concern all of us.

You did a great job Ron.

Alright now that I blew my nose I can put my hanky away. Oops I think I missed the hanky.

Wow Ron, I feel like an idiot! I totally missed this post!

Thanks for the recognition, and I did pay a pretty penny for that contract! I am just glad that it will hopefully help everyone that asked for a copy. Don't let it just sit and collect dust in your email. I went to the trouble to send it to everyone, now USE IT!!! As I stated in my email to everyone though, use it as a start. You still need to change it to fit what you each need specifically. Mine was VERY DETAILED for the work that I do.

Anyway, this has turned out to be a great bb Ron, you and everyone that has participated have done a fabulous job. Thank you too!!