Product Review PWRA - Lets here the Positive only Response

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member!

The PWRA opened up Shopped a Few months Back

Its a Private Association created By Chris L & Thad E Both members here at PWI

Lets Chat about how this Association can benefit you ?

They Claim they have a Lot of things, a couple friends of mine Joined to get discounts on Printing. I'm curious to see how this is going, unlike a real org this is run at the discretion of Thad.

This Makes life a lot easier than running a national Association for sure, of course some what different in they are running this to make money for them. Nothing Wrong with making money off contractors who need there help.

If they have a proven product that Helps Folks I'm all for it.

Guys have been asking me if they should Join, I'll be honest I'm very reluctant to say join.

Hey Lets here from there members , I know John T is a huge supporter and lets here how he has benefited. How did the 349.00 he spent help his business.

By the Way they are selling memberships for just a little over 117 dollars three payments.
Ron, I recently joined. So far I'm happy with it. Reduced printing is nice. Recently recieved a their magazine; very nice and it had some good marketing ideas.
Ron, I recently joined. So far I'm happy with it. Reduced printing is nice. Recently recieved a their magazine; very nice and it had some good marketing ideas.

Was not aware the mag was still running.

Glad your happy, tell us about the eddm . Did you do it ?

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
I plan on ordering 50k post cards. I forgot about those, that was one of the main reasons I joined. I'm planning on sending them out for the spring rush so no hurry on ordering them.