problem with burner

hello everyone, I have a problem with my burner, all of a sudden it just stopped heating water when the machine was working,, here are the steps I went thru for the trouble shooting and have not been able to fix the problem, and I went thru all these steps thanks to the search button and similar problems people have had, by the way my machine is a Landa PGHW5

1.- checked generator belt, it is nice and tight and no sliping.
2,- checked for air on burner, fan blows strong
3.- cheked for spark, old mechanics trick used screwdriver and spark is good (as seen on video)
4.- checked for gas, pump is running and filter is bubbling and lines are clean.
If I touch the bottom of the burner I can feel it hot like if it were working properly but can see the flame with out removing the cover, but it does not get worm on the top of the cover and doees not send any heat out from the top , also you cant hear the noise when the burner kicks in, I am determining it might be the thermostat or flow switch that is located at the end of the coil on the outside bottom part of the cover, it a screw with a copper wire attached. any other ideas what I can check to fix the problem before throwing in parts that may not solve the problem and may not bee needed.
Somone had mentioned on a previous post that this flow switch had a spring and a magnet inside but when i took this copper cap of there was no spring or magnet inside, maybe I have them confused, I am posting pictures of what I have confused as a flow swith and thermostat.
and I if anyone has any suggestions please let me know


If you have a rare earth magnet, or some other strong magnet, hold it against your flow switch, and see what happens. It is the big gray thing in the top picture.
Make sure the plug is firmly in the solenoid coil. If it still doesn't work, get in to the control panel, take the 2 wires off the thermostat (remember where they come off), and link them together with a jumper wire. Check for burner operation. If still none, get a magnet and run it up and down the side of the flow switch closest to the reed switch (what the wire is attached to) and see if it fires while you're messing with the magnet. If not, the reed switch is bad, if it does, the magnet inside may be stuck.
Make sure the plug is firmly in the solenoid coil. If it still doesn't work, get in to the control panel, take the 2 wires off the thermostat (remember where they come off), and link them together with a jumper wire. Check for burner operation. If still none, get a magnet and run it up and down the side of the flow switch closest to the reed switch (what the wire is attached to) and see if it fires while you're messing with the magnet. If not, the reed switch is bad, if it does, the magnet inside may be stuck.

checked the coil and it is plugged in correctly, jumped the thermostat wires and nothing, and noticed a small leak of water from the top of the flow switch, Im sure this is not normal, is there any kind of seal or oring that I might need to replace on the inside??
Tito, first off, the bubbling filter. I used to have the clear plastic ones and if they were bubbling, they were sucking air and that would kill the burner. I went to metal because the plastic ones eventually wouldn't tighten enough no matter what.

You can't bypass the solenoid, you can bypass the switch that is running the solenoid.

Did you bypass the flow switch? Inside the control panel power goes out one wire to the flow switch and comes back from the switch and connects to a wire going to the burner, the solenoid on the burner. Get power to that wire, attach it to where the other flow-switch wire is or another hot lead.

I don't know what the advantage/disadvantage is but I've always used a pressure switch.
checked the coil and it is plugged in correctly, jumped the thermostat wires and nothing, and noticed a small leak of water from the top of the flow switch, Im sure this is not normal, is there any kind of seal or oring that I might need to replace on the inside??

Did you try the magnet on the flow switch?
Did you bypass the flow switch? Inside the control panel power goes out one wire to the flow switch and comes back from the switch and connects to a wire going to the burner, the solenoid on the burner. Get power to that wire, attach it to where the other flow-switch wire is or another hot lead.

Hey Tom tried what you told me, and got a different reaction, when I put power to the other wire going to the flow switch I got a very lite smoke coming out of the top cover but still no heat, I wonder what that means???
Did you try tightening or jimmying the fuel filter around?

When youpower the solenoid you should be able to hear it 'click'

Not real sure about what happened but it sounds like something happened, maybe it got fuel but didn't lite.

If its dark enough, you should be able to see the glow from the spark if you look in through the air band, then you'll know for sure its on.
Is your filter before or after the pump?
might sound kinda dumb but theese things do get overlooked. check the breaker button and reset it, and the desiel filter and drain the water out of it if you have a drain. it just happend to me this morn. at 5:30am when i was about to start. got some bad fuel from a brand new stripes and my landa hasnt been the same .02
I would hotwire the burner and see if it fires up.
Tie the motor wires and Igniter wires and Solenoid wires to a AC cord and plug it into an AC outlet.


  • Landa-PGHW-Wiring(_BW.gif
    11 KB · Views: 55
Here is a better copy of the wiring diagram


  • Landa-PGHW-Wiring(1).gif
    71.2 KB · Views: 54
Here is a Hot Wired 120 v Burner


  • Hot Wired 120v Burner.GIF
    Hot Wired 120v Burner.GIF
    4.6 KB · Views: 39
Glad you guys know a lot about burners and troubleshooting them.

I have a Hotsy hot water skid that is 12 volt but the 2 landa units I bought are 120 volt so I need to make this thread a good reference so when I have problems I can look here for great troubleshooting info.

Maybe we should make this thread a "sticky"??
Did you say you could see a flame through the cover? if so and you have no airflow out your coil is probably plugged with soot and needs to be cleaned off.

Otherwise try bypassing the components until you find the one that is causing you the problem. as mentioned above.
Make sure the plug is firmly in the solenoid coil. If it still doesn't work, get in to the control panel, take the 2 wires off the thermostat (remember where they come off), and link them together with a jumper wire. Check for burner operation. If still none, get a magnet and run it up and down the side of the flow switch closest to the reed switch (what the wire is attached to) and see if it fires while you're messing with the magnet. If not, the reed switch is bad, if it does, the magnet inside may be stuck.

well finally found the problem, it turned out to be the thermostat, I had tried a jumper on the wires and did not get a result the first time, emptied all the diesel from filter, pump and lines and put direct current to the solonoid and ones i saw a flow in the diesel, I put a jump wire on the 2 wires form the thermostat and walla it finally kicked in with a heavy smoke from the burner, guess it was all the diesel that was being flushed into the burner but was not being consummed. ordered the new thermostat and will be installing it in tomorrow.

Thanks to all for your help.