Problem!!! Alert!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
We currently are recieving to many members, Russ is very busy. Please stop signing up unless your very serious about the industry.

We want no hacks, no low ballers of any sort.

Please only sign up if your a fulltime or want to get there. if you plan on keeping a Job, no offense. please sign on another BBS.
We currently are recieving to many members, Russ is very busy. Please stop signing up unless your very serious about the industry.

We want no hacks, no low ballers of any sort.

Please only sign up if your a fulltime or want to get there. if you plan on keeping a Job, no offense. please sign on another BBS.

I want everyone to know i made a mistake in this posts.

I was vert frustrated that day because Russ had been telling me we where getting a large amount of un-verified sign ups.

I truly didnt realize i may have offended many guys about being partime and possible wanting to stay partime. Many of us here started partime and some choose to stay part-time.

I want you guys to know i do not look down on you if your a partime guy that want to stay partime.

Its come to my attention that many guys here are partimers and I respect the fact that you run a business and work 40 plus hours a week.

I should have simply said, if your not serious reguadless partime or fulltime. Please registar elsewhere, we want folks willing to help one another and share in the information about our industry.

My mistake guys, I'm truly sorry.

Thanks Alan for letting me know.

Others, PWI is run by others and they often dont share my views. Often I'm corrected by other Staff members. If you disagree with me please dont let my opionion affect your views of PWI. I'm one man with one mind, PWI has many. I truly believe that this is power in numbers. i hope we can all assit in helping each other build better business.
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Ron, WTF?
I posted in this thread, I told you in my post that you had probably just offended the entire eastern seaboard. I explained WINTER. Now you have deleted the posts ( quite a few I see) and WHY???? They broke no rules.

Not cool dude.
Ron, WTF?
I posted in this thread, I told you in my post that you had probably just offended the entire eastern seaboard. I explained WINTER. Now you have deleted the posts ( quite a few I see) and WHY???? They broke no rules.

Not cool dude.

...Am I reading one giant typo??? Hypocritical comes to mind----man, I'm not trying to start anything here, but geez, jumping on Ron for removing posts???
...Am I reading one giant typo??? Hypocritical comes to mind----man, I'm not trying to start anything here, but geez, jumping on Ron for removing posts???

On top of that, I didnt delete any posts.

Could someone on staff tell me what Beths talking about. Did someone else remove posts? if so please explain why they where not just moved, apparently Beth beleives I removed the posts.

Sorry Beth, I didnt do it. if i had, i would say so and that would be it.
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Wow!!! wasn't this talked about over at PTState last year about someone deleting and changing posts?????

WTF with that over there?

Come on now, what is that saying about the pot and kettle???? hahaha
Ron, WTF?
Now you have deleted the posts ( quite a few I see) and WHY???? They broke no rules.

Ha Ha Ha Ha... Tee Hee... Ha Ha Ha Ha... Chuckle Chuckle. Snort. Ha Ha Ha Ha... ROTFLWTIME.

Thanks Beth, that's the funniest thing I've heard all year.
............... I see noting deleted... Keep trying to find one. Like i said why dont you just ask Russ, Grant or Scott to give you the log for deleted threads.

Wont be hard because we shouldnt have one.

No No she thought you deleted her statement/post in this thread and the whole time it wasnt even in this thread, it was the other one she just posted and its been there the whole time. Oops
The issue was resolved , Beth was looking at the wrong post nothing was deleted here
I wasn't concerned about any posts being deleted or not. I just thought it was absolutely freakin hilarious that Beth was upset when she thought her posts had been deleted for no reason.

Sorta like if me or Jeff started complaining about someone going off on a political rant.... :eek:

Still ROTFL,