Pricing on Website

Jeff Robison

New member
I have been going back and forth about putting pricing on my website. Restaurants, dumpsters, concrete, shopping centers etc. I would be very interested to hear back from people that currently have it and the results experienced. Chris Tharpe, Russ, Mike Schoeben, and others that I have not seen.

I think it will weed out tire kickers, but may also help attract people that might think it will be more, but don't bother to call. We are getting a lot more calls lately and just trying to tighten things up a bit.

P/M me if you don't want to share on here. Thanks.
The problem I would have is other contractors using it to undersell.
For residential work anyway. It might save some drive time, but I feel face to face estimating is the best way to sell the job with residential work. It works with Commercial too but only when you are dealing with one location and directely with the decision maker.

Maybe if you had a price list for commercial work, Kind of like Russ' but only made it accessable with a password to your clients or potentials?
Someone's always going to beat your price, thats why I prefer to talk to them and tell them why there cheaper than me. I dont think you can beat pulling up to a customers home or buisness with a real rig and a professional attitude.
Call me dumb, but I never had a customer ask what equipment I would be using nor did they care when I told them. Do what's best for THEM and watch the results.

I say put together a couple packages for them to choose from, send them some direct mail guiding them to your page built just for them. Forget about SEO and all the other bullcrap that goes along with it. You don't even have to make the site visible to the search engines to get tons of targeted traffic to it that will make you money.
Call me dumb, but I never had a customer ask what equipment I would be using nor did they care when I told them. Do what's best for THEM and watch the results.

Nothing like face to face in my opinion. When residential customers see my rig they generally ask a lot of questions and are impressed. My rig may not be much compared to some of yours, but most residential customers in my area have not seen a rig like mine. They are used to seeing a small HD unit on a 5x8 trailer. Most commercial accounts know what to expect and have seen rigs like ours before.
For you face to face guys:

What happens when you get too busy to bid every single job? What if you hire somebody to do the selling for you? Will you buy them each a rig and have them cruising around in it to impress your potential customers?


Do you just own a job like I did for the first couple of years in business without the freedom taking off every once in awhile? How in the world do you have time to bid, clean, maintain your equipment, books, and all the other stuff that goes along with owning a business if you are doing the "face to face" thing with EVERYONE?

I'm just curious because I never felt the freedom that everyone talks about when they start their own business until I learned to market and advertise effectively. Yeah, I still love face to face presentations, and they bring the absolute best results, but with my marketing I can be in front of a couple hundred people every single day.
Call me dumb, but I never had a customer ask what equipment I would be using nor did they care when I told them. Do what's best for THEM and watch the results.

I say put together a couple packages for them to choose from, send them some direct mail guiding them to your page built just for them. Forget about SEO and all the other bullcrap that goes along with it. You don't even have to make the site visible to the search engines to get tons of targeted traffic to it that will make you money.

my equipment and website sales 90% of my job and i would not post what i would charge i like face to face meeting and selling them on what i can do for them. just my own opinion.
Why can't you use your website to sell them?

You can involve a bunch of senses, put an infinite amount of testimonials on there, etc...

Plus, (and this is the secret) you won't be wasting your time selling to somebody that isn't going to buy anyway. If they're interested, they will read and watch your website and get educated. They can do all this while you are sleeping or having dinner with your family. Just makes sense to me.
As far as pricing goes, I don't put any prices on any of my ads. Heck If you check back on any of the BB's you will notice that I never ever even put what I charged for a job on here. There are way too many eye balls that have found their way to these BB's and the amount of competition here in Florida is insane. All I will say is that I wish everyone would bump their pricing up so that we can all stay in line and charge what we are not only worth, but what it takes to stay in business and still be able to go out for a nice meal once in awhile.

I stopped running all over town to give estimates about a year ago and have saved tons on time, fuel and mileage. It takes a bit of work but once you get used to it it's pretty easy giving out bids over the phone. I'll admit that I've gotten beat a couple times by doing it this way but when compared to the amount I've saved from running all over town it has been well worth it.
OK, as one of the guys that DOES post pricing on their site here's my thoughts. I went back and forth on this for several years, but since posting pricing structures here's the benefits: first, my competition doesn't call me up and waste my time pretending to be a customer anymore. Second, when a customer calls, they know already what the ballpark pricing is, and selling them is a LOT easier. I've come to realize that price shoppers are the largest waste of my time, and driving all over the place doing bids for tire kickers was putting a dent in my bottom line. I can sell on experience, and quality results, with pricing that doesn't cause sticker shock. I'm definitely not the cheapest guy in town (by far), but quality isn't cheap, and folks understand that there is a price for it. Best move I've made in years, and I could care less if my competition sees my pricing. Maybe it will raise the bar for the lowballers....
OK, as one of the guys that DOES post pricing on their site here's my thoughts. I went back and forth on this for several years, but since posting pricing structures here's the benefits: first, my competition doesn't call me up and waste my time pretending to be a customer anymore. Second, when a customer calls, they know already what the ballpark pricing is, and selling them is a LOT easier. I've come to realize that price shoppers are the largest waste of my time, and driving all over the place doing bids for tire kickers was putting a dent in my bottom line. I can sell on experience, and quality results, with pricing that doesn't cause sticker shock. I'm definitely not the cheapest guy in town (by far), but quality isn't cheap, and folks understand that there is a price for it. Best move I've made in years, and I could care less if my competition sees my pricing. Maybe it will raise the bar for the lowballers....
I agree Mike, I dont have anyone looking for me to do something for nothing anymore. That has been eliminated and usually when someone calls they are 95% sold already, I just need to schedule the appointment:eek:k:
Every Job is different .. Don't sell yourself Short .. All of my prices are unique.. You have to know your customers and really know your competition,, Every once in a while if I am bored I will go out and get a new account.. I have been burned to many times to set a certian price on a cleaning... But hey thats just me... Also to sell a good account you need to go door 2 door and sell yourself not your service.
I get what Mike and Russ are saying and if you look at their website . giving a range price for a job make it easier , not a real shock when they call . And every job will still not be the same price .
Here is a campaign I ran a couple years ago with great success. My competition didn't know my prices because I didn't have the search engines coming to this site. I sent a flier to targeted BK's and it sent them here where I could sell them. I have removed the pics because people were stealing them and the campaign is over anyway. But, you get the idea of how powerful it is and how much time it can save you.
I get what Mike and Russ are saying and if you look at their website . giving a range price for a job make it easier , not a real shock when they call . And every job will still not be the same price .
LOL, I think some of you guys live in un competitive La La Land ?
That stuff will never work in Tampa, IMHO.
Lets say I am a customer ?
I see a price range for 350 to 450 for a 2500 sq ft roof ?
Ok, I now know YOUR price :clapping:
So, I just keep shopping, until I find someone to beat it.
Welcome to Tampa :welcome: