Pricing for Aggregrate and Finished Concrete

Chris Tharpe

New member
Am i the only one that takes into account the extra time aggregrate takes to clean an therefore charge a little more for it?

I am bidding a center this weekend and 2 on monday that are aggregrate. I am thinking roughly 5-6cents per sq.ft on this because it is covered in black mold. I will use a light mix of SH to aide in the cleaning however that is another cost for doing the job and i feel it warents charging more
Am i the only one that takes into account the extra time aggregrate takes to clean an therefore charge a little more for it?

No, aggregate is a killer.
Holds a lot more mold and dirt so rinsing is a royal pain.
agreed Thad. Every center i have bee bidding lately is aggregrate and it really sucks when they have never been cleaned
The aggregate rinse - always a pain. And its hard to tell if its going to really look clean, even though it is clean when your done. I price aggregate higher and rinse with a 15 degree nozzle. Nothing beats more volume when rinsing. I wonder how a vacuum surface cleaner would work on aggregate?
8 GPM helps alot
Removing layers of agg sealers are a bigger PITA! I did one this summer and had to use a methylene chloride based stripper. Complete and utter savage mess. Nothing worse in my life. And the stuff is deadly if breathed in for too long. Tried a soy stripper, but didn't touch it. Stripper was about $28 per gallon.
just cleaning. I will use 12% to help break down the mildew, mold, and what ever else is lurking below that should make the cleaning a little easier and hopefully make it where i don't have to go over it twice
Aggregate is priced 30% more than concrete when I do it.The rinsing is a real pain.I also have seen some of it that had to be gone over at 2 different angle with the surface cleaner to get it clean.

most of the aggregrate in my area is black and were working on changing that but with 30 different PM's in the area it gets hard to spend time talking to each and mingle other work in the process