Pricing by Sq ft or Linear


New member
Ok don't yell at me i know i don't post often(ever?) but i have a question?? Got a call to a local motel, just for the sidewalks, 2 story, from the water source to the farthest point is about 350 feet, only one water source on the property!! 4 bldgs, not worried about gum, too much, his words, some green, some grease, mainly just spilled drinks and normal grime, so the question is, take the time to figure Sq ft, or price by the linear ft, and any suggestions on reasonable rate? i have a figure in mind but i have been wrong at least once in my life and don't want to repeat that mistake. Thanks guys
P.S. you could throw advice on best chem if ya want, but i dont want to ask too much
Ok don't yell at me i know i don't post often(ever?) but i have a question?? Got a call to a local motel, just for the sidewalks, 2 story, from the water source to the farthest point is about 350 feet, only one water source on the property!! 4 bldgs, not worried about gum, too much, his words, some green, some grease, mainly just spilled drinks and normal grime, so the question is, take the time to figure Sq ft, or price by the linear ft, and any suggestions on reasonable rate? i have a figure in mind but i have been wrong at least once in my life and don't want to repeat that mistake. Thanks guys
P.S. you could throw advice on best chem if ya want, but i dont want to ask too much

What was the fiqure you had in your mind?
I figure how many man hours and how much material we might use. Then how much we hope to make beyond that and thats what we would charge.
Square foot. All depends how bad of shape the concrete is and what the going rate is in your area. Might not even need chemicals if you have enough psi and heat. Power Stroke is my choice for concrete.
Thanks for the comments guys, each building is an average of 4000 sg ft of walkway and one set of stairs, to me, with the circumstances, poor access to a water source, ( 350 feet away at some points), limited hours, 12:00 to 5:00, and possibly only on tuesdays, to me its worth 400.00 a building, but i am sure low ball luke will do it for a hundred, and i may be dreamin in this area but i am going to try and pick the brains of a couple other companies here and try and get a better idea of what they get before i open my mouth. i've been specializing in roof cleaning and residential cleaning so my thoughts may be off base on a commercial job, like this one,
Thanks for the comments guys, each building is an average of 4000 sg ft of walkway and one set of stairs, to me, with the circumstances, poor access to a water source, ( 350 feet away at some points), limited hours, 12:00 to 5:00, and possibly only on tuesdays, to me its worth 400.00 a building, but i am sure low ball luke will do it for a hundred, and i may be dreamin in this area but i am going to try and pick the brains of a couple other companies here and try and get a better idea of what they get before i open my mouth. i've been specializing in roof cleaning and residential cleaning so my thoughts may be off base on a commercial job, like this one,

Do you own a surface cleaner ? You keep mentioning the water source is so far away, I assume you do not have much of a water tank.

$0.10 a square foot is probably a good price, depending on the condition of the concrete. Especially if you have a spinner and hot water.

Water under doors could be an issue, try duct tape and/or get a waiver signed.
I have always charged by the square foot on flatwork and $0.10 a sq ft sounds very reasonable and perhaps maybe a little low depending on how much gum...

Don't worry about the lowballers.....just do the best job possible and let your reputation speak for itself.....

And maybe offer a small demo?

Good Luck
Do you own a surface cleaner ? You keep mentioning the water source is so far away, I assume you do not have much of a water tank.

$0.10 a square foot is probably a good price, depending on the condition of the concrete. Especially if you have a spinner and hot water.

Water under doors could be an issue, try duct tape and/or get a waiver signed.

Since most everything i do is residential, and roof cleaning, water storage has never been much of a question,although i do have the 100 gal tank i use for roof mix, i do own a spinner, 5.0 gpm and only cold water, but the GM says he isnt overly concerned about the gum, not that much anyway, maybe 5-6 spots in a hundred foot run, it's a lot to concider, maybe if i can squeeze a little info from a couple of the other guys here in town, i'll feel better about the price ,maybe even try for a little more,
If it is the supply hose that is the issue, go to Sam's club and you can buy their 120' sections for only $24.00 each and it is good 5/8" hose. Not the thickest but it does work good.

There are jobs that I do quarterly and yearly that I have to string out 500' of supply hose to the trailer and then sometimes another 100' to 200' of pressure hose added to the 200' that is on the hose reel to do the job.

It is a pita and we would have to drain the water out and coil up the 120' sections of hose every day when we leave and it is a pita but you get good at it after so many times.

I went to Sam's club and bought one of those hose reel cart things, it holds 300' of 5/8" hose and it has wheels on one end and feet on the other. I got it just for storage because it is faster and easier to roll hose onto a hose reel than it is to coil it up, tie it up and throw them into the back of the truck. It is a pretty good hose reel. I got 360' of hose to fit onto it.

As for the job, I would bid it cheaper because you are not cleaning the gum and because it is commercial, they do not pay like residential for buildings, that way you have a better chance of getting it.

Get a good helper to get the supply hose connected and on asap when you get there as you get the pressure hose ready, have the chems mixed before you leave the house or shop so that is ready and do as much as you can each day, that is all you can do. This sometimes can lead to bigger or better jobs, always think positive.

Good Luck!

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Low Pressure Roof Cleaning Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Shingle Roof Washing and Tile Roof Washing Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p