



  • Bomb us next.JPG
    Bomb us next.JPG
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How true! The disturbing part is if they had our nuclear capability,they would nuke us in a heartbeat ,and then they would be dancing in the street.Knowing this ,we still try to befriend them and make peace.I guess that is the main difference between us and them.It's pretty simple though,in nature the lion doesn't try to make peace with a hyena,he takes out the hyena,and any other hyena trying to do harm to him or his family.I think the US should act more like the lion that we are,which made this country great.As we screw around with the s#@!bag backward countries like Iran,Iraq,Syria etc that we could straighten out in a week if we wanted to,China floods our country with their cheap knockoff products peddled by big whore companies like Walmart,and US factories close down daily.China takes all these profits and builds up their military and builds giant container ships bigger than ever been built before to dump more products on the US.We should never forget pearl harbor and sept 11th.I really hope we wake up as a country.Sorry about the rant,I'll get off my soap box now.
You really need to learn to express yourself. Holding back on pent up emotions can be damaging to your Psyche.

Scott Stone
If I recall correctly Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese not the Chinese or any of the middle east countries.
The point is that the US was attacked,not which country thought we were soft enough to attack.If we do not wise up as a country,and put America first ,and screw the politically correct bullshit,It is a sad fact that history will repeat itself.I will try to open up a little more Scott,holding back is not good for the psyche!
Contrary to posted belief, Japan did not attack us thinking we were soft. There was a bigger picture and Japan was actually afraid of our superiority and strength. The attack on Pearl along with the timely attacks on the rest of Asia & S.E. Asia by Japan were because of their imperialist motives. Japan knew that the U.S. had a far superior Navy and that we would not tolerate their invasion and conquering of the Pacific. So they planned to eliminate the U.S. Navy and thus bolster their efforts. Their plan backfired on them though because of our Aircraft Carriers not being in Pearl as they were scheduled to be. This suprised Japan. When their intelligence found out the Carriers were not going to be there it was too late. They knew the morning of the attack they were making a big mistake but the point of no return had been crossed and the rest is.........history!
safeclean said:
China floods our country with their cheap knockoff products peddled by big whore companies like Walmart,and US factories close down daily.China takes all these profits and builds up their military and builds giant container ships bigger than ever been built before to dump more products on the US.

Hey, I LIKE being able to buy a $49.00 DVD player or a $350.00 35" TV...