Preventing roof algea after cleaning the roof

I was just wondering what would be a good product to use after cleaning a roof to hold off the algea for a year or two. I think I heard somone say something about Thompsons water seal at the roundtable in Bama. Something to be offered as an additional service. Just wonder what you all are using, and picking some brains. Thanks
Three years later, I'm still waiting for its return. Talking to customers I've found most new roofs start getting the streaks after 7 years.I don't see why a properly cleaned roof can't get close to the same results. Time will tell. Every preventative I've found has to be applied once every year or two. A house wash strength roof solution applied that often would surely keep it clean.
Unless you are in Florida, I don't think you have a lot to worry about.
Roofs are staying clean outside of Florida for at least two years, no matter what.
Simply spraying them once a year with a 20 percent bleach/water solution will kill anything growing on them.
Copper Sulfate can also be used, as can Zinc Sulfate.
Borax/Water can also be used.
There are many different ways to prevent the return of the Algae.
For some more ideas, see my Hillbilly Roof Treatment threads here and at TGS.
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