Pressure Washing Institute Story

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
We are heading twords our 10 year.

Its about time I shared the vision of this site and my early dreams of what it might become.

Stay tuned because this is the story and the only story.

I hate to keep you waiting but its late in Phx and I like making you guys wait.

They will be a prize at the end of this thread....
You are worse than about making people wait than the local news. "BREAKING STORY: A murderer is loose in your neighborhood, more at 11!"
Hope youre not going to shut it down.
Thank goodness I know where my paycheck will be coming from.

I know the story, because, I was there. I could tell it, but...Stay tuned, more after these messages.
We are heading twords our 10 year.

Its about time I shared the vision of this site and my early dreams of what it might become.

Stay tuned because this is the story and the only story.

I hate to keep you waiting but its late in Phx and I like making you guys wait.

They will be a prize at the end of this thread....

Is it still late in Phx??? Don't y'all ever have early in Phx. It's been 4days. Lets go Paul Harvey. Lets hear "The Rest Of the story".
Nut shell History:
There is a board called the Powerwash network. It was started by a contractor named Dan Flynn. He was in Texas, moved home to Illinois, and is out of business, as far as I know. I think he sold his board to a distributor.
Anyway, Ron came on the board under another name. Good old Ron Marshall was abrasive and stated his opinion. Pretty soon, It came out that it was not his real name. Of course, we all know that there are people that do not go by their given name on these boards, some of them the same people that castigated Ron for using an assumed name. It was ugly. Ron eventually got banned. In my judgement, it was under false pretenses, but the excuse was that he was not using his real name.
Ron, being Ron, did what he always does, he started his own board. Pretty soon, Everyone over there came over here. It was kind of funny some of the stupid things that went down. People from over there, having their kids post something on here that was beyond stupid, Ron deleting the post, and the person thanking Everyone, then deciding Ron was evil, and going back to PWN. Silliness abounded.
So now, nearly nine years later, it will be ten in August 2011, This is probably one of the most frequented, if not the most frequented, powerwashing BBS on the internet. Ron is often hated by people, for no apparent reason, except that it was acceptable then, so it must be now. And a lot of the people that hate him not only are using a pseudonym, but are under a full blown alias, because they are hiding from their past.

Pretty comical, really.
Nut shell History:
There is a board called the Powerwash network. It was started by a contractor named Dan Flynn. He was in Texas, moved home to Illinois, and is out of business, as far as I know. I think he sold his board to a distributor.
Anyway, Ron came on the board under another name. Good old Ron Marshall was abrasive and stated his opinion. Pretty soon, It came out that it was not his real name. Of course, we all know that there are people that do not go by their given name on these boards, some of them the same people that castigated Ron for using an assumed name. It was ugly. Ron eventually got banned. In my judgement, it was under false pretenses, but the excuse was that he was not using his real name.
Ron, being Ron, did what he always does, he started his own board. Pretty soon, Everyone over there came over here. It was kind of funny some of the stupid things that went down. People from over there, having their kids post something on here that was beyond stupid, Ron deleting the post, and the person thanking Everyone, then deciding Ron was evil, and going back to PWN. Silliness abounded.
So now, nearly nine years later, it will be ten in August 2011, This is probably one of the most frequented, if not the most frequented, powerwashing BBS on the internet. Ron is often hated by people, for no apparent reason, except that it was acceptable then, so it must be now. And a lot of the people that hate him not only are using a pseudonym, but are under a full blown alias, because they are hiding from their past.

Pretty comical, really.

That a bit of the history, when i was on Delco I was never on with my real name because of Identity theft.

Pretty silly now since everyone is on the Web, my identity was stolen in the 90's. pretty ungly and cause me alot of problems and money.

I started PWI because I wanted a place we could freely talk about products in the industry. At the time we only had delco, so when PWN opened up is was sold to a dist shortly after.

I didnt like this because this was the same problem we all experinced at Delco.

Hence PWI was created, I got the name from a freind who owns the billiard institute. At the time I owned a couple pool rooms here in Phx and like the name of my freinds. So we started the PWI and with the commitment it would be run by the contractors on the BBS.

I was the first admin then Scott, Mike, Grant , Russ & now Scott again.

Each admin and staff makes PWI what it is Today.

While most say I own control and run the BBS thats not the truth. I founded the PWI for the industry from the start.

I did it this way so people would feel a part or the BBS, when you guys moan about PWI all your doing is moaning about your own BBS.

PWI is run by the PW that visit each day.

The only rules in stone are that people will not be attacked personally, no advertisers will ever pay, everything is free on PWI.

We only ask members to respect one another and learn share and move the industry forward.

The bills are paid here on PWI for 10 more years. I retire in 5 and Someone will take the reins when I'm gone and make a commitment to pay for the BBS after the ten years expire.

We have terms on Admins since we know its not and easy Job. The current admins of the past help select the future admins.

The staff help the Admins run the daily stuff on the Site.

Grant has taken care of maint of the BBS soley and has done a wonderful job.

All the Members and the staff have taken PWI to a place in the industry not even imaginable ten years ago.

Thanks members and the Staff
I just can't wait for the anniversary party in August 2011!!!