Thats cool, let me think of who I actually Met pressure washing.
Whats Funny is we Pressure wash a under ground Entrance to a Hotel. They actually park the tour Buses there, we are usually gone way before a Star Shows up. We do get to meet a lot of Comedians at this same Location because Stand up Live is across the Street. The Parking areas run under so they walk thru this area often late after the show with security to there rooms. Funny the guy from Full house was there and he drove a VW Van.
Homes I have done many celeb concrete in the past, funny thing is for other people who messed up there drive ways by parking there service trucks leaving oil. Mostly athletes...
Danny carwash screws a lot of drive ways up with his Mobile detail Business.
I actually MET REGGIE Jackson in the 80's washing a Hotel. He was a Cool guy !!!! I the only reason I met him is the guy who owned the hotel Dale Anderson was a Family Freind. He yelled for me to come in, his hotel was used for spring training in the 80's. Reggie retire was there for a Retired VS Japanese Players. I met BOB Horner and Felix Milan and didn't even know who they where. This was one of my first Experiences meeting Famous people, much different back then. I still have the Ball they Signed along with Cubs Players.