Prayers needed for a friend

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Jim Gamble is in the hospital with Swine Flu and Pneumonia. He's been in the hospital since at least early this morning. His wife has texted me a few times throughout the day and is reporting that he is getting worse.

I spoke to him briefly this evening and his breathing is very shallow and he says he is in a lot of chest pain. He only spoke for less than a minute. If you've ever talked to Jim, you'll know that if he can only speak a minute -something is really wrong.

Jim is a dear friend of our family and a dear friend of many on this board. Let's get together and pray for him. He is concerned for his family.

I don't think he is up to speaking, but I'm sure he would appreciate any texts of support at 510-612-0437. His wife, Suriany, will read them to him.
Prayers on the way, hang in there Jim.

I will send some texts over there.
thanks Tony for letting us know, I did not know. I will try to get in touch with him via text or email.
They have been a lot of prayers needed this Holiday Season.
Prayers are on the way for a speedy recovery from Florida Jim. Hang in there buddy. Sending a text also. Keep us updated!
I sure hope he has a permit for anything he expectorates.
I am wondering, in my experience if it really isn't swine flu, but that he might have caught some sort of bug cleaning a garage. I know I caught one about 6 months ago after I blew out a garage with a blower that I thought I was gonna die. It was real similar to what it sounds like Jim had.
I do wish him well, and have offered prayers in his behalf.
Godspeed on Jims Recovery. I just spoke to Jim a couple of days ago and I think he is banned from PWI which I talked to Ron about in Jims behalf. So I don't know if he can read this but the messages and prayers are there for him and thats what counts.