Prattville Alabama storm damage video

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
Prattville Alabama Tornado damage video

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That is some Devastation.

Glad to see you are ok and your family is safe.
Looking at the other videos, I realized that the tornado took the grass too.

It is just amazing the destructive forces those tornado's have.

Any reports out on how many are hospitalized or died or lost?

Hopefully one day soon there will be some kind of better warning system so people can get to shelters before they hit.
That's horrible. I'm glad to see you and your family is okay. Is insurance going to cover any of it?
glad your ok, i didnt see that on the news. thats what i miss about New York, no damn basements here in the south.
Looking at the other videos, I realized that the tornado took the grass too.

It is just amazing the destructive forces those tornado's have.

Any reports out on how many are hospitalized or died or lost?

Hopefully one day soon there will be some kind of better warning system so people can get to shelters before they hit.

FEMA has a system that they can interrupt anything on the radio in case of an emergency is what I’ve heard before.