Possible PWNA member???


John, I am definitely going to join the PWNA in the very near future. I think that it is a great organization from what I have seen from the outside, & because of the efforts of you, Beth, Rod, Everett, & others I think that PWNA is crawling the steps to become a great organization. Right now, the wife & kids are milking me for so much (I'm sure alot of you know what I'm talking about). As a matter of fact, the wife just came to me for money to get the kids into soccer and gymnastics........whew, it just never ends. I guess I better get up off my big butt & go work on this big job I am doing.
I've considered joining several times.

The main thing that would make me join without hesitation would be a group health insurance plan. I need lower rates ;)

Big Bill,
I hear you about it never ends with paying for everything to keep the kids ahead of the Smiths and Jones's attitiude we have as a nation. If you don't pay for your kid so she can do 5 different dance classes a week the guilt is dumped on you. I don't know what the answer is for that since my one daughter does 4 different dance classes a week to go along with a traveling Lacross team and a softball team to go along with her weekly brownie class and she is only 9!

As for joining the PWNA if you do it and you get involved some you will not be disappointed. Also its a write off when it comes to tax time so if the least you do is join for the $195/yr you get the Cleaners time Magazine($36 value) and also potential job leads form there bb(This is for members only) along with people looking you up there online and hiring you company. THis equals $$$$ in your pocket. Also you could put PWNA in your advertising where even more potential customers can look you up. Once again more $$$$ to you.

Last but not least after the write off the membership will probably cost you less then a $100.

Just something to chew on.

Best of Luck
I joined last week. Finally got around to it.


I had looked into the insurance and talked to several members and was not impressed with what I heard. It was actually more then I currently pay.

Just something that they could try to improve on, although I realize it is very hard right now to find GOOD insurance at reasonable rates.
