Pool Issue

Scott D.

We cleaned this houses tile roof on Friday. Today they sent us an email complaining that the pool was dirty and that possibly their pumps had been damaged, after a huge rain we had yesterday. They sent us these pictures too.

All of the gutters in the back are plumbed into the sewer system, so they didnt run onto the patio. Plus there is a lip going to the pool that would prevent it anyways. There was 1 spot on the gutters that had a small leak, but not bad enough to leak this much. I do see the pool filter that it could have leaked into if the gutter leak was bad enough to make it puddle.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how this could have happened?


  • 1626 Westshore Poisl Pool 1.JPG
    1626 Westshore Poisl Pool 1.JPG
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  • 1626 Westhshore posil pool 2.JPG
    1626 Westhshore posil pool 2.JPG
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My guess would be the downspouts were partially clogged or simply couldn't handle all the rain and it ran over the gutters. Looks like pretty tall coping though but it could get in through the skimmer holes etc. I don't know how that would ruin pumps designed to pump pool water. Do a test on the water.
what condition was their pool in when you cleaned the roof?

Was it 'bright blue' or 'murky'?

I have seen some pools 'turn' quickly with 24 hours following heavy rain and the resultant dirt/debris washed in from surrounding flooding. Also, if the pool was 'murky' there is a good chance that the water was not chemically balanced, filter was dirty and the rain was enough to turn it green.

Edit: just noticed the water is brown... with the angle of that flower bed on the far side, it looks as though it could have had some top soil washed into the pool (there is dirty water pooling just in front of it).

What type of filter do they have - I would imagine that it is enclosed, so there is not much chance of your mix having contaminated the water. With regard to the pump... how much mix could have got on to it? They are usually pretty much water tight and have a ceramic seal and multiple O-rings that keep water/fluid in (and out)
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Looks like the dye from the Landscape bed to me, especially since it doesn't appear to be in the shallow end (Jacuzzi) of the pool. But, to be sure, like Rick said, TEST THE WATER.
Thanks Guys. I didnt even notice the beds behind it. And we are supposed to do their decking, sidewalks and driveway, but they wanted to wait because they were having all of the landscaping redone and didnt want the sidewalks and driveway to get dirty again. So all that landscaping is new.

What do you mean test the water? You mean for the chemical balance? Wont the new debris affect it so I wont get an accurate reading?
I would have a pool guy go check it out and see what he says, maybe test the water's ph and chlorine. That should tell you if it was the roof cleaning chemicals or the dirt from the landscaping.
I know I don't do houses, but I cannot possible conceive a reason why a pool would turn brown like that, because a house was washed three days earlier. It seems to me that if the house was cleaned, that likely there would not be anything on the house to wash off, particularly not something brown. Maybe I just don't understand, but it looks to me like they are trying to get you to take care of their problem, for free
"after a huge rain" - the idea that some roof chems (from 1/2 the roof that drains to that yard anyways) could do anything significant is like Scott said inconceivable. And again "after a huge rain"