please help


New member
i am interested in starting a power wash business either fleet washing or houses, decks etc i have no experience in this field any help on where to obtain info or any info given would be greatly appreciated thanks
You can do a search on this and other sites. There is a list of other sites on this site that will help you. If you are willing to travel you might be able to get someone to let you to work with them for a while. Don't expect to get paid, they are doing you a favor. A day or two will be enough to get you started, or at least to decide if this is what you really want to do.

Scott Stone
There's so many places you can go. Since your already here at this site you can do a search above and check a ton of info right here by plugging in what you want to search such as Fleet washing etc.

IF you want to see an Organization that represents Powerwashers you can go to there website at and check them out. IF your willing to spend a few bucks you can look into there convention that is coming up in March in Ohio.

And of course ask all the questions that you want here in this completely free bulletin board that nobody sponsors so no answers should be that biased.

Good Luck