Playing around w/ new video software

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Tired of the same old demos. Playing around with Sony Vegas Pro.

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What does the surface cleaner look like in your video ?

all of the above
none of the above

looks pretty neat

It's Chris (the barber) with his huge Rhino clippers just shaving a little off the top! :D
Cool effects Tony.

Maybe you could paint eyes and teeth on the surface cleaner kind of how they do on old planes, that would be cool.
Yeah, but I screwed up now. I downloaded the Sony Vegas to try it and jacked my computer with some spyware, so then I loaded Spybot search and destroy and some other virus program and they wiped out all my restore points. Looks like I'm going to be reinstalling window tonight.
Thats not good. Crap!

What system do you use for backup Tony?

My wife uses File Fort with an external hard drive.

I've got an external 1 TB that resides in a fire-proof safe under the desk and another 1 TB that resides in the CPU that mirrors the same data. I learned that from losing everything with ovre 40k in AR when in the dry cleaning business. I can reinstall windows over and over again and it wont' effect my data, or videos or personal pictures. That's all on separate hard drives.