Pier 1 Imports

Charles Skeen

New member
This is the first thread I have ever posted on here. I found the site in the spring time, and attended the myrtle beach round table. It seems like there are a lot of great people out there willing to help and I appreciate everyones openness and willingness to help. Which brings me to my situation in which I need some advice.

I received a call today from a property management group, based out of Texas, that wanted me to look at a Pier 1 Imports store here in NC. She told me that the price would have to be $150, and that it could be no more. I asked her if they were interested in a 30 day service, or a one time cleaning, and she said just a one time cleaning.

I viewed the site and the concrete sidewalks seemed to be in great shape, just had a lot of gum spots that need to be removed. I spoke to the assistant manager of the store and she told me that they had another pressure wash contractor bid the job and never showed up.

This is a HUGE shopping center, with many well known stores as tenants. The concrete in the rest of the center looks worse than pier 1. What I really want advice on is, how can I get in to clean the whole center? I found it strange when she told me the price was $150 and it was non negotiable. The concrete was at least 2,000 square feet, probably more (i didn't have my measuring instrument with me)

Any tips or methods to help me out, I would really appreciate it.
How many stores do they have in NC? They only want them done one time, seems knida low to me. You may have to do alot of travel for not alot of money. Go to the other stores and ask if they would like for you to clean or ask for the name of the property manager.
If it's as clean as you say and you are properly equiped, that job should take you 30 min. So the price is right as far as I'm concerned, there are others here that would want more if it will take them longer.
tell them when you come in to buy furniture you don't say i want a full size leather couch for $50 dollars non negotiable .....

I just sold the front entrance of a Dick's Sporting Goods totaling 1750 sq ft for $475

Well thats great DJ, but if they tell him it has to be $150.00 and he can do it in 30 min I would take that all day long. I dont know what type of rig he's running but thats $300.00 an hr as far as I can see.:wink:
Well thats great DJ, but if they tell him it has to be $150.00 and he can do it in 30 min I would take that all day long. I dont know what type of rig he's running but thats $300.00 an hr as far as I can see.:wink:

you say potato i say potato ... wait that doesn't make sense when you type it :lol:
They probably already had it budgeted at $150.00. The one's around here are all small enough that I would the $150.00 all day. 30-45 minutes and your out. Call the Property management person back and just ask her if you can give her a bid on the rest of the shoping center. All she can do is say no.
Guys I'm not downing the price, but in NC there are not 2 stores in each city. He is going to have a lot of travel. I don't know what is set up is, but if he thinks is a good money maker then I 100% go for it.
Guys I'm not downing the price, but in NC there are not 2 stores in each city. He is going to have a lot of travel. I don't know what is set up is, but if he thinks is a good money maker then I 100% go for it.

I am talking about the 1 store he wants to do for $150.00 naturally if there is logistics involved and multi states then we would have to know that to make a decission weather or not it would be worth the price.
you say potato i say potato ... wait that doesn't make sense when you type it :lol:

Hey DJ, some of the worst gum I have seen was at some of the Dick's that we have done @ some of our S/C if that be the case then yes it would be more money, but he is saying it is relatively clean.


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Hey DJ, some of the worst gum I have seen was at some of the Dick's that we have done @ some of our S/C if that be the case then yes it would be more money, but he is saying it is relatively clean.

Looks like the one we are about to clean... i'll have some nice pics from where a ya hoo used cold water
There is a good chance that they got a bid from the previous guy for the $150. They setup the budget and now dont want to change it. If it is clean and not much gum it would be an ok price. If there is more I would demand moreor at least a monthly contract.
What will never ever change in this industry is newcommers to the contract cleaning scene. Everyone on here weather they will admit it or not would have been happy as hell to get their first few accounts.

When you come from an hourly job of lets say $20hr and now you have the opportunity to make $150.00 in a half hr or even an 1hr this looks like a gold mine. I have been in my own buisness since I am 20 yr's old so I cant relate to the hourly rate as many do but I got to tell ya, thats a huge difference to many.

That's why there will always be bid's that are Low to some and good money to other's, and thats why we hope that New Contractors find a good BB like this one to get some knowlege on how to price out jobs.

Things are definitely getting better as far as pricing, it has taken a long time for customers and P/M to realize what their getting for the money. We will never be rid of the LOW BALLER but as time passes and we educate the customer this will be a industry that will be looked upon as more than just a part time gig.

With that said, I hope I can find an account every day that wants to pay me $150.00 for a half hr's work!! who ever dont want it is a fool !!
Thanks for the replies so far.

My largest desire is to turn this from a one time gig into a residual income for my business. I agree that $150 for 30 mins or even an hour of work is great money all day long. I was just curious if anyone had tips that I could employ to sell the whole center.

Talk to other store managers?
Talk to the PM?
Unsolicited bids?

Most importantly, I don't want these things to be one time cleans. I'm looking for 30 day service contracts, or something along those lines.

I'm tempted to say $400 initial clean, or $100 every 30 days. Either they take it or they dont.