Pet peeve

Does it bug you?

  • Yes, anyone that asks should be drawn and quartered?

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Yes, their mother should have taught them manners

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • It irritates me, but I answer all of their questions.

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • No, I don't see why I should not share that personal information.

    Votes: 6 21.4%

  • Total voters

Scott Stone

New member
Okay this is not what you think.
I was wondering, how many of you have this experience.
You pull up to a job site, or gas station, or what have you with your equipment, or well signed truck.
Someone asks you,
"is that your pressure washing rig?"
"Yes, it is"
"What do you wash?"
"mostly Fleets"
"Do you stay busy?"
"who do you do work for?"
I answer, with someone elses customers.
"Do you make a lot of money?"
" I do okay"

Now I don't have a problem with people asking about my rig, or what I wash, it could be a potential customer. I do have a problem with people wanting to know who my customers are, and how much I make. Is it just me, or would this get under your skin as well?


i ans the stupid questions like yes it's my truck,i wash everything.
Then after that i ans questions with questions and offer an est.
I turn it into a sales call.
I was trucks do you have trucks?
I wash houses ill stop by and give you an est.
Do i make money? Sometimes,What did you make last year?
my favorite line that i give is
"The grass is allways greener,now i got to mow it."
or "now i know why there are more workers then boss's"
"It's a fun job,next time it's 25 degree's outside go wash your car,it will give you a nice chance to see what it's like"
"you'll love being your own boss,never have to worrie about a steady pay check"
My new favorite line is "i just work here to pay the insurance co"
If i were you[scott] and did mostly commerical accounts i would offer a card and pass myself off as a worker.
I voted for their mother should of taught them... If it is another washer, it is none of their business, but how do you know. I could tell a few times, because of the way that they were talking and the terms that they were using.
Some other ones, started asking a lot of ???, not those of a contractor, nor a interested customer. That is when I say that I charge companies who do field surveys, so please give me your card for billing purposes. The three that I have said this to, stared with big eyes and then said that they are interested in getting into PW and are trying to get some info from someone other than the dealer they were planning to buy with.
I will then answer ?? that I may not normally answer, but not all. I will just leave them with the truth that business does not fall out of the sky and they better be ready to work.
Pretty easy to tell if it is a competitor or one looking to get into the business.

I always offer my card and try to swing it around so I am asking the questions.

Do you own a business that needs cleaning? if they say no I ask who do you work for perhaps your boss has a need for my services.

When they get to the personal stuff like how much do you make I ask them HOW MUCH DO YOU MAKE? they shut up then.

Is it easy work, sure if you don't mind getting wet, working all night in hot and cold and windy weather and having your back sore etc.

I am always polite, ok I know you don't believe me but I am, never know if it might end up a customer.

I stay clear of direct insults, closest is asking how much you make.
I miss Jon here on PWI!
Anybody ever hear from him?
He stops by TGS once in a while. I do not chat with him as often as I used to though. He is doing well, sells books on Amazon now and is busy going thru the thousands of books he gets each week and categorizing them.
If anyone talks to him, tell him I said hello.
Jon is now an Honorary Forum Leader since he retired from the cleaning business. I think Scott Stone would be one of the most recent to speak with Jon from around here.
.I haven't talked to Jon in a while. I need to rattle his cage a bit.
Just tell them ...No I don't own this rig I just stole it to pick up chicks!
I do not answer any questions about my clients and if they ask how much I make on a job, my answer is always, not much, this is just busy work. I have never been questiond after that.
I answer the ?'s with open ended ?'s kinda like shara palin changing the sub at randome,but if its comp they get the proffesional contractor who dosent need the work quote. only the ones that want to set up a meeting get the real price
This question is a good one and merits alot of input to see how others answer these types of questiosn.
First thing that happens is
They always go over to Jason (older than me) because they think he is the boss man

The main questions I get are how much money do you make?
What chemicals do you use?
Are you hiring?
Allways pawn yourself off as an employee. They will then ask what they want to really know about pricing and contacts. I then say I have no idea about that stuff and end it. If they are a potental customer they will ask straight up for a price for thier store ( we do KEC work only) If they are a competitor they allways start off with an equipment question to break the ice.
Restaurant owners could care less about what you use just get it done.
I get that nearly every week. I can usually be honest though because I wash fleet. When they hear I wash a tractor and trailer for my price, they usually go on about there business.