

Can not understand customers, Had a phone call wanted a house wash... Went and did my bid... Said no problem, Then he wanted his deck bid, Which in the past was always a hard sale for me...
Simple deck, 150 sq and 25 running foot on spindles, Only problem no access from outside unless you scale the side at only 9 ft up...Did my minimum of 250.00 for this deck... So I had a total bill of 400.00... He said that was to much... So again I had only the house wash... Two hours later I was looking to get paid, He hands me a check for 200.00, Fifty over what I was asking...

Personal I would of did the deck and not the house for fifty more dollars, The deck really needed the clean and seal... I think I have pretty much given up on deck work in this part of Iowa...

People are strange, I dont see the logic here can someone enlighten me?

Decked out in Iowa,

Matt :rolleyes:
No logic here, he felt his house needed cleaning more then his deck.


You did not sell him on both.

Now go back and make him WANT his deck done.
If anything you made me laugh in me seat...

I had there trust, I think this is why he gave me another fifty, or maybe that was to leave,LOL

Matt :D :D :p
Or you can do the deck for him for $150 now and hope he he gives you an extra $50. With the extra $50 he gave you already, it would work out the same as your original quote.

In sales, breaking the numbers down for the customer often helps to get the sale.

Did you ask him what amount he had in mind for the deckwork? It helps to know how far apart you are.

Did you ask him how much his deck cost to build? If it's older than 5-6 years, it will cost him almost double now to replace.

Does the deck have mold & mildes? Does he or anyone in the family have any allergies? "Mold & Mildew" are known to be a common cause of allergies in people and pets.
In otherwords sell the benefits of cleaning and sealing.

Next time when you have a $400 job, try selling it for $398.

Also, if you don't have your own pictures, use sealer/stain brochure pictures to show what the deck could look like.
Always keep brochures in your truck/car.

Just one more thing - I strongly recommend Zig Ziglar's "Ziglar on Selling" book. It's worth every penny. (Reinvest some of the extra $50 the gentleman gave you. It's also a tax write off.

Keep trying!


You have to go back after this deck. I can taste it myself.
Anyone that tips $50 (33%) has the capability to justify $250 for deck cleaning. I would have closed the sale when he gave me the $50.

Work up a plan and do a follow-up. Drop in or call.

You have info on a new wax for the house that you wanted to drop off. (Use your imagination.)

Get the conversation back to the deck.
Ask things you didn't ask before. (Probative questions.)
Why did he think $250 was too much?
What did he think the price would be? and Why?
How much did his deck cost?
Can he see where the cleaning and sealing would benefit?
Does the cost difference justify not protecting/letting deck fail?
Does he understand that his deck will fail if no protection is applied? (apply other benefits also - allergies, increase value, etc.)
When does he think it would be a good time to start protecting the value (tie things together for him).

In the future, your sales technique should be:
- Primary benefits of my product and service (what is the customer's benefit). Protect, Looks Great, Save Money, Reduce Allergies, Increase Property Value, Eliminate/Reduce Slippery Surface.

Your three questions for the customer to agree with:
- Can you see where this would benefit you?
- Are you interested in saving money/increasing property value/etc.? (Customize the question.)
- When do you think it would be the best time to start protecting/reduce allergies/increase visual appearance? (Customize the question.)

Go! Go! Go!

P.S.: WHEN you get this job, I expect you to donate $25 to the Children's Cancer Society in your area.

Thanks Paul,

I am by far not done, Will be back to try to sell deck again and also will be trying to get the whole retirement community...

The Gentleman that I did the work for thinks the Homeowner asso. should pay for it, I do believe it had nothing to do with the price, But the principal behind the group not taken care of homes!

The dues is 100.00 a month for lawn care and snow removel and road repair... I think he feels that there should be more...
The community sits on a Golf course and people are all eyeballs as they drove buy...

Just started to read the book how to master selling by Tom Hopkins...

Unfortunately for him, the homeowners association will not flip the bill for the deck work, but they will most likely tell him what color he can stain it.

I'm familiar with Tom Hopkins - he does a good job of selling his materials. I would only rate that specific material of his about a 3 on a scale of 1-5. Zig's book I would rate 4-1/2 to 5 in comparison.
However, that's only my opinion and with all that said, any reading on selling is GOOD. I refresh my sales technique several times a year with reading, tapes, and or seminars.

Good Luck!
