People stealing

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

I wonder if web designers steal images and these people dont even realize it until they recieve a letter about damages.

Thanks to the person who made me aware of this idiot.
I wonder if the dancing babies do the cleaning too, The machine looks like one of hose ones off of ebay that are very over priced... also anyone can use paint to put wording on stuff .. HAHAHA Notice the little truck and trailer on my signature.. I cant remeber where I found this ..... But in my defense I only use it on this board it is not in my website.. All the pictures on my website are mine... Thats why I get the business... I would certianly hope that there are no dancing babies on my machine....
OK. The crosses are a little disturbing. Reminiscent of **** Germany, IMO. But the dancing babies really frighten me. What the heck do they have to do with cleaning anything? They serve no purpose what so ever for this site. Or maybe they run a travelling daycare out of that trailer? Yeah, that's it!!
This site was not built by a pro. If it were, there would be a link at the bottom of the page with the company info and webmaster email address. Check any site built by a pro and it's there. This person knew they were stealing your graphics and apparently didn't care. I wouldn't expect them to respond.
Why don't they answer the phone in person anyway? I am part time and still answer my phone, even if I'm at my full time job. Ok. not if I'm in a meeting, but otherwise, yes.
KY is full of this. In some ways it makes for easy selling but in others, it makes it extremely hard. Ron, this is why I tell you that I can't make $$$ on commercial here. Guys like this will work for prices that CAN'T legally be matched or beaten. They have set the prices too low.
This site straight up sends me into a coughing spasm of laughter. I had my speakers turned down this morning. The little pumping phones move in perfect rhythm to the music. Definitely not epileptic friendly.
Boy Ron you found a good one eh?
need someone to testify??? Obviously someone that is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.