Paul's Pumps Suck

Doug Rucker

Roundtable Host 2009
When the hoses are clear of hay. Bought a brand new shure flow 2gpm pump from Paul and the thing wouldn't suck water. It ran but wouldn't suck. Called him complaining and he told me a couple things to do. None of which worked. Took off the suction line underneath the dual pump cover and found this.


Not using a clean bucket to test with. I use hay for my barn floor and when my guys tested the pump after the change out the bucket had little bits of hay on it. Plus no filter screen.
I sucked up a small acorn Friday and thought my pump had died. It must have fallen out of the tree and landed in there while we were working. They were all over the yard and falling while we were there. No filter on my rinse bucket line. I may just put one on now. Lol.