Papa, is that one real?????? LOLOLOL

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Papa, is that one real?????? LOLOLOL

I cant post on Dan’s BBS, I had to ask you about this one. Are these guys actually real or is this photo been tapered with?

You come up with some winners!!

they spell like I do...

This made me laugh hard , heck I still am laughing...

It was a promo for higher edumacation.
Great acting - look at the guy in the forefront scratching his head.

Every time I look at this photo it makes me carry the dictionary in my pocket for the next few days. I tried sleeping on top of it but nothing rubbed off. God bless spell check on Word.

My better half is excellent at spelling and x-word puzzles - she keeps me in line on grammar too. Her mother (Emily) at 93 is my history teacher. (Emily's mother was born in 1859). Emily was a math teacher till she retired - we revived the abacus a couple of times. She wanted to test me on the slide rule but I haven't used one since my first calculator in '74. Calculators ruined me. Used to know a lot of short cuts and be able to do large numbers in my head (not any more - can't fit anything else in there until something else falls out).

When I was young, I told everyone that I'm spending all my money on experiences and memories for when I get older.
I wish I would of kept half my money. Can't seem to remember a whole lot now days. I don't suppose I can get a refund. I took lots of pictures, but can't remember where I put them.

Talk about edumacation:
I do remember a $300 tab night in '89 at the outside bar in Memory Lane in Key West. All the waitresses were fighting over our table cause we left a $50 tip on a $100 tab the night before.
We were the only ones getting any service that night. We were in the company of Mel Fisher trading stories. (He wasn't the best story teller) he was trying to entice a couple of young lassies with his gold medallions. They couldn't work out a trade that was equitable for all sides. I don't know who was more disappointed.

Capt'n Tony was the story teller. He was running from the mob back in the 40's ...ran all the way from N.Y. to Key West where he became a rum runner. His oldest son is about 70 now and his youngest is about 8.

Has anybody chased a barracuda underwater? They're fast and have large teeth!

Then there was the time I let a friend (same one I chased the barracuda with) talk me into snorkling at night. Talk about shark-bait. Only thing you see is where the light was shining in front of you. Took a fifth of Southern Comfort and 2 six-packs of Becks to stop the Barney Fife shakes. Also aged about 10 years in one evening.

Well maybe I didn't waste that money after all.
The best education is the one you don't forget.

No Regrets,