Palin and Couric interview.

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
I cant belive that this is all there is out there :confused: The U.S.A. is a very large country and filled with Brilliant people where the Hell do they find these Bafoon's from?

If you take the teleprompter away from these Idiot's they are lost in space. Why is it that we cant find people out there that will run for office, that actually have to use there own brain and not some scripted bunch of Bull****

If this is all we have to offer than we are in deep Poo Poo...:eek:
The ones that run (in my oponion) HAVE TO BE "RUNABLE" so that the ones that are really in power can get what they want!

Nice shorts in the Avitar by the way Nick

Do those shorts make me look fat :D