Oxalic Acid

Andy Hinson

New member
Little help now. I have purchased 5gal. of saferestore to remove what looks like mud stains on a brick foundation. From what I read ox might be worth trying. Is this wood bleach? Can it be bought from a hardware store? Is it liquid or powder? Thanks
Actually Chris, I've always had great luck with oxalic on Pennsylvania clay and mud stains. So give it a try Andy, it may work for you. Cheaper to buy it at chemical supply rather than off the shelf. But maybe you just need to try it and see for yourself if it works for you, can't blame you there. But oxalic has a lot of uses, brightening concrete is a common one. Gives that added touch of brightness to most concrete after the initial cleaning.

Jeff,..........It really does give concrete that extra "wow" I love it.

Good to know you had a positive experience on clay.

Chris,............. where do you get "Prosoco's Vanatrol" stuff?
Yes i have bought it as wood cleach before but cost to much when you buy it at stores i
I got mine at a local chemical supply store. It comes as a sometimes clumpy powder (or at least my bag did, had to get in there with a screwdriver first to break it up a little, almost like big sugar clumps).

Works great, I use it to neutralize wood.
Check your suppliers like Brenntag, Univar, etc.. and you can get the 50 pound bags from$18.00 to around $50.00 depending on where you live and the supplier.

It is usually sold as a powder, not as a liquid. Try to get the powder....why pay for water?

Don't get this on your hands as it is also a POISON, wear the rubber or nitrile surgical type gloves when handling it.

You can use it in a pump up sprayer but if it is not mixed real good, the clumps can clog the pump up sprayer.

A lot of guys X-Jet it or downstream it for larger areas of concrete.

I tried it here and did not have any good luck on the fertilizer stains, brightening concrete or plain old rust stains. It could be my environment or maybe the product was made weak? Others around the country have had good luck with it. For the price, I would give it a try and see what you get.

Good Luck!

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
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Hey Andy, Shurclean 600 is beautiful for clay. I have put ox through the ds and it broke my downstream. Acid is not good for the downstreamer for me. I xjet or pump spray. We use about 2-3 cups (by volume) of powder to five gallons of water pump-up or 3 gals water xjetted
Check your suppliers like Brenntag, Univar, etc.. and you can get the 50 pound bags from$18.00 to around $50.00 depending on where you live and the supplier.

It is usually sold as a powder, not as a liquid. Try to get the powder....why pay for water?

Don't get this on your hands as it is also a POISON, wear the rubber or nitrile surgical type gloves when handling it.

You can use it in a pump up sprayer but if it is not mixed real good, the clumps can clog the pump up sprayer.

A lot of guys X-Jet it or downstream it for larger areas of concrete.

I tried it here and did not have any good luck on the fertilizer stains, brightening concrete or plain old rust stains. It could be my environment or maybe the product was made weak? Others around the country have had good luck with it. For the price, I would give it a try and see what you get.

Good Luck!

$18 - $50 for 50 pounds? Last time I got a 50 lb bag it cost me like $78 :eek:

Never checked Univar though, might do that next time, but heck, a 50 lb. bag lasts me forever, lol.

Make sure you mix it right too ... when I do 8 oz. with 1 gallon of hot water, it works like a charm (I actually used it today on my driveway trying to get rid of an oil stain with cold water, note to self, it doesn't work, LOL) but it sure did make my driveway nice and white in the spots where I even just dribbled some on on accident.

8oz. to 1 gallon of hot water is what I found to be the best ratio as far as using it with a pump sprayer.

Now I'd LOVE to use it through my XJet, but I don't know the right ratio for it.
I think oxalic is sold as wood bleach, but I think sodium percarbonate has taken over and oxalic isn't available as it once was for "wood bleach"

yeaup.. it's like old timer terminology always gives way in the end to new marketing schemes. Is a rip off of sorts. The ox historically was always the goto product for stains by pro wood finishers.