Our New Agressive Slogan..

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I wanted to do something like that for Residential on a billboard. I wanted a huge picture of a Before/After shot of a filthy home and just write in large letters "Clean your House you Filthy Bastards" Then just a Phone number.

That would work in NY NJ but I dont know how that would go over in the south. I know if I saw a billboard like that I would laugh my ass off and remember the phone number.
You guys are too funny, but I like the idea.
“When the economy goes to shit, we are cleaning it up[FONT=&quot]™®©"[/FONT][FONT=&quot]<o></o>[/FONT]
I know some words are not appropriate, but as I said it is aggressive :). I am thinking to put it on our websites.. What do you think?
Please, don't copy our slogan :)..
I like it, but think it's a little too harsh for an actual advertisement.

How about... "Now clean up your act and give us a call!"
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