Our condolences on the loss of your Father

Sorry about the loss in your family, have a safe trip and give me a call when you get back.
sorry, my condolences
Sorry to hear about your DAD, it's always tough when you lose a loved one. Prayers sent.
Doug, Prayers from our family to you and yours are on their way during this tough time.
Sorry to hear about the loss, not sure which Doug, who is it.
Thanks Al.

Prayers on the way Doug, sorry to hear about your father.
Doug, truly sorry for your Pops. My father was the biggest impacked in my life, when he passed I really got my life together and made a turn. Not suggest your lifes not on track but reguardless life goes on. I know your father would want you to, fathers want there sons to be strong.

Doug I pray for your family and pray you stay strong for all them.

Doug if you truly need something please give me a call anytime.
Sorry about your loss. we will pray for you and your family.